Examples Index

Indexed Here

FLAC3D ExamplesPFC Examples3DEC ExamplesCoupling Examples

Example Types

The examples enumerated here fall into three different categories.

  • Tutorials are intended to be the first stop for the novice user; they illustrate program features and principles.
  • Verification Problems are used to show the validity of program results against the underlying theory; they are not necessarily “real-world” examples.
  • Example Applications are full-scale demonstrations of some of the possible uses of the codes.

FLAC3D Examples

For specific details of the FLAC3D model components (e.g., zones and structural elements), see FLAC3D Commands and FISH.

PFC Examples

For specific details of the PFC model components (e.g., balls, clumps, walls, and contacts), see PFC Model Objects.

3DEC Examples

PFC-FLAC3D Coupling Examples

For specific details of the PFC-FLAC3D coupling schemes, see Coupling PFC and FLAC3D.

CS: this hack local to page, but maybe needs to be looked at for style sheet overall: handles insufficient top margin of UL nested inside another UL (and directly under an LI of the parent UL)