program list command


program list keyword

Primary keywords:

cycle-sequence    directory    fish    information    memory    module    named-range    plugins    principal    version

Print program information.


As with all program commands, use of the command word program is optional; program list and list are both valid.

Program information is printed to the screen. This information can be captured in a log file with the program log-file command.


List the doubles indicating the cycle point and names of the cycle entries in the cycle sequence. This information is useful when installing FISH callback events with the fish callback command. The following table lists the reserved cycle points:

Cycle Point Cycle Operation
-10 Validate the data structures
0 Determine a stable timestep
10 Equations of motion (or thermal bodies update)
15 Body coupling between processes
20 Increment time
30 Update the cell space
35 Create/delete contacts
40 Force-Displacement law (or thermal contact update)
42 Accumulate deterministic quantities
45 Contact coupling between processes
60 Second pass of equations of motion
70 Thermal calculations
80 Fluid calculations


List the current working directory and the application directory.

fish <keyword> | s ...

List FISH information. By default all FISH symbols are listed. Alternatively specific FISH symbols can be listed.


List all FISH arrays that have been created.


A basic list of all global FISH symbols.


List the FISH functions that have been added to be executed as callbacks (i.e., with the fish callback command).


List the callback events that have been registered. For instance, the solve_complete event is a registered callback event. [CS: is the base list of events shown anywhere??]

code <s >

List the FISH pseudo-code generated after parsing FISH syntax. If a specific symbol s is provided, only the code for that specific function is listed. Otherwise the pseudo-code for all functions will be listed.

contents s

For FISH values of an aggregate type (arrays, matrices, structures, maps, etc.) this will list the contents of the type in a structured way.

intrinsics <s >

List the complete set of FISH intrinsics, both built-in and user-defined. If the string s is given, only those intrinsics that contain s in the name will be listed.


List of all memory objects allocated. See the FISH function memory.create.


List defined FISH structures, including their member names and values.


List all FISH symbols.


General program settings and status, including the customer title and the number of target threasds to use.


List the amount of memory that is actively being used.


List the module DLLs that are loaded.

named-range <s >

List the current named ranges. If a specific named range s is specified then the specifics of that range are listed.


List the plugin DLLs that are loaded.

principal fs1 fs2 fs3 keyword

This is a utility that determines the six components of a stress tensor given principal values (fs1 fs2 fs3 and directions. All three principal values must be given. Two directions are required:

intermediate f <keyword ...>

Specify the intermediate value. You may specify the intermediate direction with the following keywords:

azimuth f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by azimuth and plunge, in degrees.

dip f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by dip and dip-direction, in degrees.

dip-direction f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by dip and dip-direction, in degrees.

normal v

The direction specified direction as a normal vector.

plunge f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by azimuth and plunge, in degrees.

trend f

A synonym to azimuth

minimum f <keyword ...>

Specify the minimum value. You may specify the intermediate direction with the following keywords:

azimuth f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by azimuth and plunge, in degrees.

dip f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by dip and dip-direction, in degrees.

dip-direction f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by dip and dip-direction, in degrees.

normal v

The direction specified direction as a normal vector.

plunge f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by azimuth and plunge, in degrees.

trend f

A synonym to azimuth

maximum f <keyword ...>

Specify the maximum value. You may specify the intermediate direction with the following keywords:

azimuth f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by azimuth and plunge, in degrees.

dip f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by dip and dip-direction, in degrees.

dip-direction f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by dip and dip-direction, in degrees.

normal v

The direction specified direction as a normal vector.

plunge f

The direction being specified as the normal to a plane given by azimuth and plunge, in degrees.

trend f

A synonym to azimuth


List the full program version information. This information should be reported if a problem arises while using the code.

Usage Example

The following example illustrates how program list can be used. The example shows the use of the principal keyword which requires that all three stress components be supplied, with two direction keywords supplied for each.

program list principal 3.3 2.2 1.1 intermediate dip 22.2 dip-direction 80 &
                       minimum normal 1,3,1 &
                       maximum azimuth 80 plunge 22.2