License Number

The license number is a unique identifier that is bound to the hardware key or web license associated with the user’s software license. The license number is held by the purchasing organization’s account, and is necessary for:

  • requests for technical support,

  • upgrading the software, and

  • identifying past purchasing history when making new purchases.

Find The License Number

The software provides multiple methods for finding the license number. There are variances between the codes, so not every method listed below will work in every case.

  • use the command list security (reported as “Serial Number: “)

  • use the command list keyinfo (reported as “Serial Number: ” for physical keys only)

  • use Help -> Request Technical Support (see License: field at top)

When a key is not found using one of the methods above, various possible outputs may occur:

  • a message indicating “no key found”

  • a message indicating the code is operating in demonstration mode

  • an error message in a dialog box

  • a “key not found” warning message

If using a physical key, in the event that the information cannot be obtained using any of the techniques above, the license number is also printed on the tag attached to the USB security key.