fracture delete command


fracture delete <dfn <s > ><range>

Delete fractures. If the optional dfn keyword is given then deletion is restricted to the specified DFN. Empty DFNs are deleted. If the dfn keyword is given without specifying a string name then the range is applied to DFNs, removing entire DFNs (i.e., all fractures in the DFNs are deleted).

Usage Example

The following example illustrates how the fracture delete command can be used to remove the largest fractures from a fracture.

model new
model random 10000
model domain extent -5 5 
;Range definition
fish define mylarge(dummy,frac)
	if fracture.area(frac)>4
		mylarge = 1
;Generate fractures with the default template
fracture generate dfn 'first' fracture-count 400
;Generate more fractures with the default template
fracture generate dfn 'second' fracture-count 200
;Delete all fractures in the second DFN using the by keyword in the range
fracture delete range name 'second' by dfn
;Delete large fractures
fracture delete range fish @mylarge