zone apply-remove command


zone apply-remove <keyword> <range>

Primary keywords:

force    force-x    force-y    force-z    source    well

Remove a zone condition. Zone conditions are applied using the zone apply command. If no keyword is supplied, all conditions are removed on each zone in the range. If no range is supplied, the condition is removed from all zones. To remove conditions applied to zone faces, see the command zone face apply.


Remove a zone apply force (vector) condition applied to a zone.


Remove a zone apply force-x condition applied to a zone.


Remove a zone apply force-y condition applied to a zone.


Remove a zone apply force-z condition applied to a zone.


Remove the heat-generating source applied as a volume source of specific strength to a zone (i.e., remove a zone apply source condition).


Remove the volume rate of flow applied to each zone (i.e., remove a zone apply well condition).

zone.apply-remove can be used