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Bolt Settings
Dowel Parameters
Shear rupture strain []
Determines the joint shear displacement at which shear failure will occur. Rupture in shear also causes axial failure of the bolt at the location of the shear spring. Note that a bolt is always axially loaded, even during a pure shearing on the joint. Hence, if the cable strain limit (axial behavior) is very low compared to the dowel’s (shear behavior), then the rupture (axial and shear) will always be induced by cable (axial) rupture. Typical range [0.2 - 0.5] Impacts shear test.
Dowel shear strength [N]
Yield shear strength (force) of the dowel component of the bolt. Mostly influences the elastic stage Typical range [3e4 - 3e5]
Dowel shear stiffness [N/m]
Stiffness of shear spring in hybrid bolt. Mostly influences the elastic stage. Typical range [5e6 - 5e7]
Dowel Length [m]
The length of the spring dowel.
Bond Parameters
Bond stiffness [Log 10 N/m/m]
Mostly influences the stifness of the bolts’s elastic response. Partially influences the critical (joint displacement causing rupture) displacement. This parameter should reflect the quality of the bond between the bolt, the grout and the rock. Typical range [5e7 - 5e8] Impacts axial and shear test.
Bond strength [N/m]
Strongly influences the end of the elastic stage and influences primarily the yield stage as well as the critical displacement (joint displacement causing rupture). Grout strength indicates the cable length necessary to exercise the full capacity of the bolt. This parameter should reflect the quality of the bond between the bolt, the grout and the rock. Typical range [2e5 - 8e5] Impacts axial and shear test.
Cable Parameters
Cable yield strength [N]
Determines the end of the yield stage and influences the plastic stage Typical range [8e4 - 5e5]
Cable area [m^2]
Cross sectional area of the bolt. Typical range [2e-4 - 5e-4] Should be fixed during a calibration process. Impacts axial and shear test.
Cable Young's modulus [Pa]
Elastic modulus of the cable. Mostly influences the elastic stage. Partially influences the yield stage. Typical range [7e10 - 2.0e11] Impacts axial and shear test.
Cable rupture strain []
Strain limit for axial rupture at which yield capacity goes to zero. Mostly influences the end of the plastic stage (i.e. rupture point). Typical range [0.1 - 0.3] Impacts axial and shear test.


Loads in force / displacement data from the selected csv file to help speed up calibration. The loaded data is added to the third plot so as to compare with the existing trend lines. The csv file must contain two columns - 'Displacement' and 'Force'.


Downloads the current slider values as a JSON file. This data can then be imported later via the 'load' button. The file is saved as 'data.json'.


Loads in data from the specified JSON file. The current calibration parameters are set to the loaded data.

Model Settings
Node spacing [m]
The node spacing strongly influences the behavior of the bolt for a given joint displacement. The node spacing used for the calibration should be equal to the one used in the real problem in 3DEC. dlen should be chosen small compared to the block size. This parameter mostly influences the rupture displacement in axial and shear but also the stiffness of the bolt. Note that the smaller the node spacing, the largest the influence of the axial stiffness on the shear response of the bolt due to a geometric effect. Typical range [0.05 – 0.2] Should be fixed during a calibration process. Impacts axial and shear test.
Number of nodes (half)
Defines the length of the bolt to be calibrated The number of nodes and length of the cable should be large enough that it does not influence the results of the calibration. (i.e. enough length to fully exercise the bolt capacity and not get continuous slip. Should be fixed during a calibration process Impacts axial and shear test.
Joint friction angle [deg]
The hybrid bolt contribution in 3DEC depends on the friction angle and the bolt inclination. The maximum shear strength of the bolted joint varies with the joint friction angle (the higher the friction, the higher the maximum shear strength). Use high value to be conservative. Typical range [20° - 50°] Should be fixed during a calibration process. Impacts shear test.
Visualization Parameters
Displacement [m]
Joint Displacement for which graphs are generated. Only used for plotting.

Show node force and displacement for:



End-User License Agreement
3DEC Command

Cable bolt calibration tool

A hybrid bolt calibration tool has been developed to help calibrate the hybrid bolt material properties.

The calibration tool is a simplification of the full 3DEC calculation. The tool was created to give a fast approximate solution to the hybrid bolt behavior under simplified conditions. A model consisting of two blocks is subjected to pull apart and pure shear tests. Force-displacement curves are reported for a given set of parameters. These force-displacement curves can be compared with laboratory experiments to calibrate material properties.

The tool works by solving the hybrid bolt structural element formulation in implicit form. The blocks are assumed to be infinitely stiff, a static solution is found for a given block displacement. The tool consists of two parts: a set of sliders on the left and a plot window on the right. Moving the sliders on the left updates the plots on the right. The top plot shows the cable axial force and the grout shear force along the cable. The top plot is symmetric because the joint separating the blocks is always in the middle. The horizontal lines show the cable axial yield strength and grout shear strength.

The middle plots shows both the cable displacement and cable strain. The horizontal line is the cable axial rupture strain.

The lower plot shows the force-displacement curves for a pull and shear test. Note that in a typical pullout test the bolt collar is pulled from the rock face; in this tool two nominal blocks of equal size are pulled apart. To convert a calibration tool result into an equivalent pullout test divide the displacement by two (for the pull test only). The blue dot in the lower plot show the displacement at which the upper two plots are generated. Move the displacement slider on the left side to show the cable forces and displacements at a different block displacement. The displacement slider also moves the blue dot but does not affect the lower plot.

Below the sliders are buttons to reset the position of the sliders to the default fully grouted rebar bolt properties. Another button copies a 3DEC property command to the Windows clipboard with the current property values.

The radio buttons on the bottom right of the left side change the upper two plots between pull apart and shear. When the pull test item is active (which is the default) the top plots show the forces, displacements and strains corresponding to a pull test displacement. Similarly, when the shear test item is active the upper plots correspond to a shear test with the given displacement. Note that when toggling this control the blue point jumps from the pull out curve to the shear curve in the lower plot.

1 Calibration procedure.

Before calibration a structural element node spacing length (slen) parameter should be selected. This length should be less than the characteristic block size in the rock mass under study. In the present study a constant spacing length of 10 cm is used.

The pull test behavior is calibrated first. The initial linear region of the pull test is controlled by the cable Young's modulus, cable area and grout stiffness. Larger moduli, area or stiffness make this region of the force-displacement curve steeper.

The deviation from linear before yield is controlled by the grout strength. The system loses modulus as the grout begins to fail away from the joint and into the blocks. Decreasing the grout strength results in a greater deviation from linear. Decreasing the grout strength too much results in pull out occurring before yield.

The cable yield strength input simply controls the maximum force a cable element can sustain. The cable rupture strain parameter directly controls the displacement where rupture occurs.

The shear test behavior has components of the pull test behavior so it is calibrated last. The initial linear region is primarily controlled by the dowel stiffness input. A larger dowel stiffness gives a steeper initial linear region. The shear-force at which the shear-force deviates from linear is given by the dowel yield strength input. The gradual increase in shear-force with increasing shear displacement is controlled by the joint friction angle and the cable Young's modulus. Typically these two parameters do not need to be changed. The maximum shear force the support can sustain is controlled by a combination of the cable axial yield strength and the dowel yield strength. In shear tests of the hybrid bolt the dowel typically ruptures before the cable ruptures from axial strain. Although, either could happen first depending on the parameters. The shear displacement at which shear rupture occurs is typically controlled by the dowel rupture strain.

Some of the parameters are involved in more than one feature of the force displacement curves which can make finding an exact match difficult. When calibrating hybrid bolt material properties it is conservative to error on the side of higher stiffness, lower strength and shorter rupture distances.

2 Calibration tool formulation

This document describes a tool to calibrate 3DEC cable structural element properties. A model consisting of two blocks is subjected to pull apart and pure shear tests. Force-displacement curves are reported for a given set of parameters. First some parameters are defined.

A Bolt cross sectional area 201e-6 m2
E Cable Youngs modulus 1.4e11 Pa
slen Element length 0.1 m
dlen Dowel length 0.1 m
Kbond Grout stiffness 3e8 N/m/m
Sbond Grout strength 2.8e5 N/m
N (half) number of nodes 3
Yield Cable yield strength 180e3 N
r Cable rupture strain 0.2
ds Dowel shear stiffness 1e7 N/m
dy Dowel shear strength 62.8e3 N
dr Shear rupture strain 0.41
θ Joint friction angle 40 deg

Some additional constants are defined: c1=EA/slen, c2=Kbond slen and c3=Sbond slen. The problem geometry is


The blocks b0 and b1 are rigid. Each node is connected to adjacent nodes via an axial spring and attached to the host block via a shear spring with a shear dash pot. A single dowel spring and dash-pot is placed between the blocks which opposes displacement in the z direction but not in the x direction. b0 is fixed and b1 is moved in the positive x direction for a pull test and in the negative z direction for a shear test. The displacements of the nodes are written as dn0, dn1, dn2, dn3, dn4, and dn5. The displacements of the blocks are written as db0 and db1.

First the problem of finding the node displacements and block forces given the displacement of block 1 (db1) is addressed. This is done first for a cable and grout with infinite strength. Grout slip, cable pull out and cable yield are added subsequently. Finally, the behavior in shear displacement is described.

2.1 Elastic node displacement solution

The force on the axial springs depends on the relative displacement of the attached nodes. Tension is taken as positive.

fs0=c1 (dn1dn0)

fs1=c1 (dn2dn1)

the forces in the shear springs depends on the displacement of nodes and blocks.

fss0=c2 (dn0db0)

fss3=c2 (dn3db1)

If the blocks and nodes are not moving the balance of force on each node is zero. For example, the balance of forces on n2 includes axial springs s1, and s2 and shear spring ss2. Axial spring s1 pulls n2 in the negative x direction, axial spring s2 pulls n2 in the positive x direction and shear spring ss2 pulls n2 in the negative x direction. So the sum of forces on n2 is


substituting the spring forces,

c1 (dn3dn2)c1 (dn2dn1)c2 (dn2db0)=0

grouping terms by the node displacements,

dn1 (c1)+dn2 (2c1c2)+dn3 (c1)=db0 c2

This can be done for each node, the force balance for node 3 is

dn2 (c1)+dn3 (2c1+c2)+dn4 (c1)=db1 c2

This can be written as a linear system Ax=b where A is a stiffness matrix, x is the node displacement vector and b is the node force.

(c1c2c1c12c1c2c1c12c1c2c1c12c1c2c1c12c1c2c1c1c1c2)(dn0dn1dn2dn3dn4dn5)=(000db1 c2db1 c2db1 c2)

Solving this linear system for x gives the axial node displacements. The displacement of block 1 (db1) is the boundary condition, this term occurs in the forcing vector b.

2.2 Grout slip

The above is only for an elastic grout and cable. The actual grout shear force is,

fss0={c2 (dn0db0)if c2 (dn0db0)<c3c3else

An iterative approach is used to resolve the grout slip. Nodes adjacent to the inner block boundary (n2 and n3) will slip first as the forces are highest here. Equation 1 is first solved assuming elastic (infinite strength) grout. If the grout shear force of the inner most nodes (n2 and n3) exceeds the grout shear strength the grout in these nodes is allowed to slip and equation 1 is solved again. In this new solution if the grout shear force in nodes n1 and n4 exceeds the grout strength they are allowed to slip and equation 1 is solved again etc.

To account for grout slip in equation 1 c2 is set to zero in the corresponding row of the matrix A and vector b. In the corresponding row in vector b a constant force of c3 is added to account for the residual grout strength.

2.3 Cable pull out

A special case occurs when all the grout yields and the cable pulls out. Following the procedure above the matrix A becomes singular. The node displacements can be calculated directly in this case.

During pull out the force carried by spring i is:

fsi={c3 (i+1)if i<N/2c3 Nif i=Nc3 (Ni1)if i>N/2

From these spring forces, the displacements of the nodes can be calculated by starting with the inner most node.

2.4 Cable yield

The axial force in the cable will always be the highest in the central element in this geometry. As displacement proceeds one of two things will happen: the cable will pull out or the cable will yield. It is possible to determine which will occur by looking at the force of the central axial spring (fs(N-1)) in the pull out state. If this force is greater than the yield strength the cable will yield before pull out can occur.

fs0={c1 (dn1dn0)if c1 (dn1dn0)<yieldyieldelse

The cable also has a rupture strain. To match the 3DEC large strain calculation the axial strain is ϵ=db1/(slen+db1). If the axial spring ruptures the total block force is zero.

2.5 Force displacement curve in pull test

We want the force displacement curve resulting from moving block 1 in the positive x direction. Block 1 feels the cable via the forces in the shear springs attached to nodes in block 1. The total force on block 1 is


which is equal to the force in the central axial spring.

2.6 Shear displacement

Consider that b1 is displaced in the negative z direction a distance db1z. Three components of force oppose this displacement:

  • The vertical component of cable axial force fca
  • Additional frictional force induced by the cable ffric
  • The dowel spring component fd

The shear displacement of block 1 causes axial stretching of the cable. A displacement of block 1 in the z direction gives an equivalent horizontal block displacement of db1


The cable axial force (f*b1x) is determined using this equivalent displacement. The vertical component of this cable axial force is,

fca=fb1x cos(arctan(slen/db1z))

This formulation over-predicts this vertical component of cable axial force. As a work around this component of force is scaled by a factor of 1/4 which brings the results into good agreement with 3DEC. The reason for the discrepancy is likely due to the assumption of infinite block stiffness in this formulation. The 3DEC blocks are elastic and the structural element nodes are connected to the block grid points. Some further development could give a better estimation of this force component.

The friction force is

ffric=fb1x tan(θ)

The dowel spring and dash-pot force is:

fd={db1z dsif db1z ds <dydyelse

The dowel also has a rupture strain. If the dowel exceeds the rupture strain the total block force is zero.

Itasca™ Software License Agreement (August 15, 2014)

Please read the following terms and conditions of this agreement carefully before using the program.

Installation of the code onto your computer indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions in this agreement.

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This software program is provided by Itasca Consulting Group, Inc. ("Itasca") or one of its authorized suppliers. Title to the media on which the software is recorded and to the documentation in support thereof is transferred to the customer, but title to the software is retained by Itasca. Itasca and its licensors own all intellectual property in the software. Itasca permits you to use the software only in accordance with the terms of this agreement. You assume responsibility for the selection of the software to achieve your intended results and for the installation of the software, the use of and the results obtained from the software.


  1. All Itasca software (with the exception of Demonstration Versions, see below) are secured and require a hardware lock to cycle.
  2. A standard single license allows up to two instances of the software to cycle on a single computer. A Network Version (see below) allows one instance of the software, per seat, to cycle on any computer connected to the network.
  3. You may not use, copy, modify, or transfer the software, or any copy, in whole or part, except as expressly provided in this document. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software to obtain the source code of the software.
  4. You may not sell, sub-license, rent, or lease this software.
  5. Licenses are not transferable outside the purchasing organization, company, institution, or corporation. Licenses sold to private individuals are not transferable under any terms.
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The license is effective as indicated under the purchasing terms or until terminated. You may terminate it any time by destroying the software together with any back-up copies and returning the hardware lock. It will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this agreement. You agree upon such termination to destroy the software together with any back-up copies, modifications, and/or merged portions in any form and return the hardware lock to Itasca.


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Itasca assumes no liability whatsoever with respect to any use of the software or any portion thereof or with respect to any damages or losses that may result from such use, including (without limitation) loss of time, money or goodwill that may arise from the use of the software (including any modifications or updates that may follow). In no event shall Itasca be responsible for any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from use of the software.


You may not ship, transfer, or export into any country the software or its updates in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws or restrictions. In addition, you represent and warrant that you are not a citizen of, or located within, an embargoed nation and that you are not otherwise prohibited under United States Export Laws to receive the software. Rights to use the software are forfeited for failure to comply with this agreement.


Title to the hardware lock(s) associated with a license belongs to Itasca. You are wholly responsible to maintain and safeguard the hardware lock. Itasca reserves the right to determine the cost of replacing a lost or stolen hardware lock, up to and including the cost of a new license.


If the software is an update or an upgrade to a previous version, you must possess a valid license to the previous version. Any update or upgrade provided for a previous version is subject to the terms of this agreement. You may continue to use previous versions provided that (a) it is necessary to use the previous version to read or otherwise use outputs from that version of the program, (b) you do not transfer the previous version to another party, and (c) you acknowledge that any obligation that Itasca has to support the previous version of the program may end upon obtaining the update or upgrade.


If and only if the license is a network version, the terms of this agreement apply in all respects with the following exception: the software may be used concurrently on the number of machines for which the program has been licensed and as allowable by the program's hardware lock.


If and only if the software is used in demonstration mode, the terms of this agreement apply in all respects with the following exceptions. The software is provided "AS-IS" and Itasca bears no responsibility to provide support for the software. The software shall be operable without a hardware lock. You acknowledge that the software may contain bugs, errors or other problems for which Itasca disclaims any warranty or liability obligations.


Some Itasca software are licensed under an Annual Maintenance Plan. The Annual Maintenance Plan includes support (as defined below under Software Support), service updates and full-version upgrades. Such support, updates and upgrades are only available while enrolled in the Maintenance Plan.


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Software support includes providing email and telephone support, at no charge, to assist the software owner in the installation of the software on the owner's computer system. Additionally, general assistance may be provided in aiding the owner in understanding the capabilities of the various features of the software. However, no-cost assistance is not provided for help in applying Itasca Software to specific user-defined problems.

Technical support covering modeling questions, applications, definitions, interpretation of results, design guidelines, etc., can be provided through the Premium Service Plan (for PFC users) or purchased on an as-needed basis. For users who envisage the need for substantial amounts of assistance, consulting support is available. In all instances, the user is encouraged to send the problem description to Itasca by fax or electronic mail in order to minimize the amount of time spent trying to define the problem.

Itasca reserves the right to determine what qualifies as no-cost assistance and what requires payment.


The Itasca software may contain or be accompanied by third-party software, data, libraries or other materials that are subject to and provided in accordance with terms that are in addition to or different from the terms set forth in this Agreement. Such terms may be included or referenced in or with such third-party software. Licensee agrees to comply with such terms. In addition, Licensee will take sole responsibility for obtaining and complying with any licenses that may be necessary to use third-party software, data or other materials that Licensee uses or obtains for use in conjunction with Itasca software. Licensee acknowledges and agrees that Itasca has no responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties regarding, such third-party software, data or other materials or Licensee's use of such third-party software, data or other materials.

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