sel hybrid property command


sel hybrid property i keyword ...
Assign property values to hybrid bolt property i.
cross-sectional-area f

Set cross-sectional area, A.

density f

Set density, ρ.

dowel-stiffness f

Set dowel shear stiffness [F/L].

dowel-strainlimit f

Set dowel shear strain limit.

dowel-yield f

Set dowel shear force yield limit [F].

grout-cohesion f

Set grout cohesive strength, cg. [F / L]

grout-friction f

Set grout friction angle, ϕg

grout-stiffness f

Set grout stiffness, kg. [F / L2]

perimeter f

Set the length of the grout perimeter. Only required if grout friction angle is greater than 0.

rupture-tension-strain f

Set the axial strain at which the hybrid element will rupture and carry no axial load.

thermal-expansion f

Set thermal expansion coefficient, αt.

yield-compression f

Set compressive yield strength, Fc. [F]

yield-tension f

Set tensile yield strength, Ft [F]. The hybrid cannot sustain axial load above f.

young f

Set Young’s modulus, E.