UCS Test with Fragmentation
To view this project in 3DEC, use the menu command . Choose “3DEC/ ExampleApplications/ Fragment” and select “Fragment.prj” to load. The main data files used are shown at the end of this example. All data files are found in the project.
Problem Description
This example describes how to conduct a simple Unconfined Compressive Strength test on a bonded block model (BBM) with a square cross-section. The model simulates an assembly of bonded blocks cut by a Discrete Fracture Network. The fragments resulting from the compression test are computed and visualized.
3DEC Model
The bonded-block model is constructed by creating a 6x6x10 m block and then zoning it with tetrahedral zones with an edge length of 0.5 m. The zones are then exported as blocks. The existing model is cleared with a cmd:model.new command and the tetrahedral blocks are imported.
0.5 m is cut away from the four vertical edges. This is done because the tetrahedral zoning tends to produce aligned zones along the edge faces and can yield unrealistically high strengths due to the “crystalline” packing of blocks along the edges.
A Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) is then created with a power-law size distribution and a minimum and maximum fracture diameter of 0.5 and 10 m respectively. The DFN and an utline of the generated blocks is shown in Figure 1.
The model is then cut by the DFN. The resulting blocks are shown in Figure 2
The model is then zoned and joint properties are assigned. The joints between the tetrahedral blocks are assigned a relatively high strength, while the joints inside of the DFN fractures are given a lower strength as shown in table.
The joints with low strength that lie inside of the DFN fractures are shown in Figure 3
The zones are assumed to be elastic with a Young’s modulus of 1 GPa and a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25.
Loading and Monitoring
The block is loaded by applying a constant velocity of 0.1 m/s to the gridpoints on the top and bottom of the block. Axial stress is calculated by summing the vertical (z) reaction forces of all the top and bottom gridpoints and dividing by twice the cross-sectional area. The axial strain is simply the sum of displacement of the top and bottom gridpoints divided by the original length.
The model is then cycled for 10,000 steps. The model solve
command is not used because the model will never reach equilibrium.
Results and Discussion
The 3DEC simulation yields a stress-strain curve as shown in Figure 4. The sample behaves in a fairly brittle manner as expected with a peak strength of 3.2 MPa.
The resulting fragments are shown in Figure 5. A fragment is defined as a collection of blocks connected together by intact bonds (joints that have not failed in tension or shear). Separate fragments are separated by joints with broken bonds. The fragments suggest an axial splitting type mechanism, which is commonly observed in UCS tests in brittle rock.
Data Files
; fname: fragment.dat
; Illustrate how the Fragment logic can be used
; to study the fragmentation of a Bonded Block Model.
model new
model random 10001
; make model wider than we want so we can trim off the aligned edges
block create brick -3 3 -3 3 -5 5
block zone generate edgelength 0.5
block zone list poly
model new
model random 10001
model large-strain on
model title 'Fragmentation of a Bonded Block Model'
model domain extent -6 6 -6 6 -10 10
; add DFN
fracture template create 'dfn1' size power-law 3 size-limit 0.5 10
fracture generate template 'dfn1' dfn 'realization_1' fracture-count 200
program call 'poly'
; trim off edges
block cut j-set dip 90 d-d 90 or 2.5 0 0
block delete range pos-x 2.5 3
block cut j-set dip 90 d-d 90 or -2.5 0 0
block delete range pos-x -3 -2.5
block cut j-set dip 90 d-d 0 or 0 2.5 0
block delete range pos-y 2.5 3
block cut j-set dip 90 d-d 0 or 0 -2.5 0
block delete range pos-y -3 -2.5
; cut DFN
block cut dfn name 'realization_1' jointset-id 99
; generate zones
block zone gen edgelength 0.25
; assign contact properties
block contact jmodel assign mohr
block contact prop stiffness-normal 5e10 stiffness-shear 1e10 ...
friction 30 cohesion 1e6 tension 1e5
; Outside of DFN should be infinitely strong.
; Command not necessary in this case since fractures will stop
; at tet block boundaries
;block contact prop coh 1e12 ten 1e12 range joint-set 99
; now set realistic strength for fractures
block contact prop coh 0 ten 0 range dfn-3dec 'realization_1'
block contact material-table default jmodel mohr
block contact material-table default property stiffness-normal 5e10 ...
stiffness-shear 1e10 fric 30
; zone properties
block zone cmodel assign elastic
block zone prop dens 2000 young 1e9 poiss 0.25
; set up stress and strain histories
block gridpoint group 'top' range pos-z 5
block gridpoint group 'bottom' range pos-z -5
[global area = 5.0*5.0]
[global length = 10.0]
fish def zzstress
; compression positive, units MPa
local top_reaction = 0.0
local bottom_reaction = 0.0
loop foreach gp block.gp.list
if block.gp.group(gp) = 'top'
top_reaction = top_reaction - block.gp.force.reaction.z(gp)
local top_disp = block.gp.disp.z(gp)
if block.gp.group(gp) = 'bottom'
bottom_reaction = bottom_reaction + block.gp.force.reaction.z(gp)
zzstress = 0.5e-6*(top_reaction + bottom_reaction)/area
zzstrain = -2.0*top_disp/length
fish history zzstress
fish history zzstrain
block fragment compute
block fragment fill-group slot 'fragments-pre'
block fragment dump filename 'fragments-pre.txt'
model save 'initial'
; boundary conditions
block gridpoint apply vel-z -0.1 range group 'top'
block gridpoint apply vel-z 0.1 range group 'bottom'
model cycle 10000
model save 'ucs'
; now compute fragment information
block fragment compute
block fragment fill-group slot 'fragments'
block fragment dump filename 'fragments.txt'
program return
; eof: fragment.dat
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