Linear Dipole Model Properties

The properties of the Linear Dipole Model model are shown below for reference. More detailed information regarding these properties is presented here.


Some properties are read only as stated below.

dipole_cap f

dcap - distance to cap the dipole force/moment contribution.

dipole_d f

dd - dipole distance used for contact activity.

dipole_f v

Fdi - dipole force.

dipole_m1 v

M1 - moment applied to piece 1 due to the dipole. This is a read-only property.

dipole_m2 v

M2 - moment applied to piece 2 due to the dipole. This is a read-only property.

dipole_mo1 v

m1 - original dipole moment of piece 1.

dipole_mo2 v

m2 - original dipole moment on piece 2.

dp_force v

Fd - dashpot force in units force. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system. This is a read-only property.

dp_mode i

Md - dashpot mode with default value 0.

dp_nratio f

βn - normal critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

dp_sratio f

βs - shear critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

emod f

E - effective modulus in units force/area This is a read-only property.

fric f

μ - friction coefficient with default value 0.0.

kn f

kn - normal stiffness in units force/length with default value 0.0.

kratio f

κ - normal-to-shear stiffness ratio. This is a read-only property.

ks f

ks - shear stiffness in units force/length with default value 0.0.

lin_force v

Fl - linear force in units force with default value 0. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system.

lin_mode i

Ml - normal-force update mode with default value 0 (absolute update mode). Incremental normal-force update mode is set with Ml = 1.

lin_slip b

s - slip state. This is a read only property.

rgap f

gr - reference gap in units length with default value 0.0.

user_area f

A - set contact area to the constant value f.