Soft Bond Model Properties

The properties of the Soft-Bond Model are shown below for reference. More detailed information regarding these properties is presented here.


Some properties are read only as stated below.

dp_force v

Fd - dashpot force in units force. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system. This is a read-only property.

dp_mode i

Md - dashpot mode with default value 0.

dp_nratio f

βn - normal critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

dp_sratio f

βs - shear critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

emod f

E - effective modulus in units force/area. This is a read-only property.

fric f

μ - friction coefficient with default value 0.0.

kn f

kn - normal stiffness in units stress/disp, with default value 0.0.

kratio f

κ - normal-to-shear stiffness ratio. This is a read-only property.

ks f
ks - shear stiffness in units stress/disp, with default value 0.0.
rgap f

gr - reference gap in units length with default value 0.0.

sb_area f

A - area of the contact. This is a read-only property.

sb_bmul f

λb - bending friction multiplier, with default value of 1.0.

sb_cut f

γ - bond softening tensile strength factor.

sb_force v

F - linear force in units force with default value 0. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system.

sb_mode i

Ml - normal-force update mode with default value 0 (absolute update mode). Incremental normal-force update mode is set with Ml = 1. When the bond is activated, Ml is automatically set to 1

sb_moment v

M - moment. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system.


¯R - Effective contact radius. This is a read-only property.

sb_rmul f

λ - Radius multiplier. with default value 1.0.

sb_slip b

s - slip state. This is a read only property.

sb_slipb b

sb - bending slip state. This is a read only property.

sb_slipt b

sb - twisting slip state. This is a read only property.

sb_soft f

ζ - bond softening factor.

sb_shear f

τc - bond shear strength in units stress. This is a read-only property.

sb_sigma f

σ - bond normal stress at bond periphery in units stress. This is a read-only property.

sb_state i

B - bond state. This is a read-only property.

sb_tau f

τ - bond shear stress at bond periphery in units stress. This is a read-only property.

sb_ten f

σc - bond tensile strength in units stress with default value 0.0.

sb_tmul f

λt - Twisting friction multiplier, with default value of 1.0.

user_area f

A - set contact area to the constant value f.