Thermal Pipe Contact Model


The thermal pipe contact model models a one-dimensional pipe with a thermal resistance per unit length of η.


The power in a thermal pipe model is updated by


where ΔT is the temperature difference between the two reservoirs on each end of the pipe (i.e. the two contacting thermal pieces), and L is the length of the thermal contact.

Activity Criterion

A thermal pipe contact model is active if the host mechanical contact model is active.

Model Parameters


Table 1: Thermal Pipe model properties
Keyword Description Symbol Type Range Default Modifiable Inheritable
thermalpipe Model name
thres Thermal resistance η FLT [0.0,+) 0.0 YES YES
thexp Thermal expansion coef. α FLT [0.0,+) 0.0 YES NO
temperature Termperature T FLT R 0.0 YES NO

Property Inheritance

The thermal resistance can be inherited from the contacting thermal pieces, with:


where (1) and (2) denote the properties of piece 1 and 2, respectively. The inheritance flag for this property must be set to true, and at least one contacting pieces must hold a property with this name. If one of the pieces does not hold that property, then the contact thermal resistance is set equal to the value set in the other piece.


The thermal pipe contact model does not define any method.


The thermal pipe contact model does not define any energy.

Callback Events

The thermal pipe contact model does not define any callback event.