
m :=,inode<,ires>)

Get stress resultants last calculated for the element at the location corresponding to node index inode.

inode = 0 indicates the element centroid, while inode = 1 to 3 indicates the positions of the nodes with those indices.

Will return a 1x8 matrix of the stress resultants in this order {Mx, My, Mxy, Nx, Ny, Nxy, Qx, Qy}.

Stress resultants are expressed in the node surface system, see the structure shell recover surface, structure geogrid recover surface, and structure liner recover surface commands.

If the optional argument ires is provided, then the function will return that specific stress resultant (indexed as the order above) as a single value.

Note that stress resultants must be calculated with the structure shell recover, structure geogrid recover, and structure liner recover command. See also the function.


m - a 1x8 matrix of all stress resultants, or a single value of a specific resultant


p - a pointer to a shell element

inode - index of the node location of the resultant, from 0 to 3

ires - an optional argument indicating a specific resultant index, from 1 to 8