inlet create command


inlet create id i keyword

Primary keywords:

active    brick-id    flow-velocity    group    orientation    position    relaxation-steps    relaxation-time    rotation-center    spin    velocity

Create an inlet with ID id. An inlet uses the data stored in a brick to generate bodies during cycling.

active b

Set the inlet activity status. The default is false.

brick-id i

Set the brick.

flow-velocity v

Set the flow velocity.

group s <slot slot >

The group slot slot is set to s for the newly created bodies. If slot is not specified, then the group slot Default is set to s.

orientation v

Set the inlet orientation from Euler angles following the X,Y,Z convention (e.g., rotation about the x-axis followed by rotation about the y-axis followed by rotation about the z-axis) in degrees.

position v

Set the inlet position. The position corresponds to the position of the centroid of the brick extent.

relaxation-steps i1 <i2 >

Activate inlet relaxation scheme based on the number of steps. A force equal and opposite to the out-of-balance force is applied to the bodies inserted up to i1 steps. If i2 is specified, then the applied force is multiplied by a factor linearly decaying from 1 to 0 between steps i1 and i2.

relaxation-time f1 <f2 >

Activate inlet relaxation scheme based on the mechanical time. A force equal and opposite to the out-of-balance force is applied to the bodies inserted up to an elapsed mechanical time of f1 steps. If f2 is specified, then the applied force is multiplied by a factor linearly decaying from 1 to 0 between times f1 and f2.

rotation-center v

Set the inlet rotation center.

spin v

Set the inlet angular velocity. Rotation occurs with respect to the rotation center.

velocity v

Set the inlet translational velocity. If not null, the center of rotation is also translated during motion.