wall active-sides command


wall active-sides keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

both    bottom    neither    top

Specify which side(s) of facets are active. An inactive side will allow balls or pebbles to pass through it without being repelled. Both sides of all facets are active by default. The range is applied to facets. Use the set range element to filter by walls. One can visualize the normal vector with the wall arrow plot to assess the orientations of facet normals.


No effort is made to mitigate large forces that develop when balls or pebbles migrate from the inactive to active sides of walls. Thus large velocities may result in these situations.


Set both sides as active.


Set the side opposite the direction of the facet normal vector as active.


Set both sides as inactive. No forces will occur.


Set the side in the direction of the facet normal vector as active.