block tolerance
- block tolerance f <keyword f >
Primary keywords:
Sets general model tolerance. It is used for:
minimum distance between gridpoints;
tolerance to link gridpoints of joined blocks; and
tolerance to select vertices close to the common plane.
The default is 0.12% of the average model dimensions in \(x\), \(y\) and \(z\). Additional tolerances may be set with the keywords below.
- angle f
Set the minimum edge angle allowed for a block cut. (The default is 1º.)
- edge f
Set the minimum edge length for a polygon to f. If f is too large compared to the block size, then concave shapes may result. If value is too small, timesteps for deformable blocks can be too small. The default is 0.12% of the average problem dimension.
- flowplane-angle f
Set the angle (in degrees) used to determine if points on a flow plane edge lie on the same edge. The default is 178. Set to lower value if flowplanes are discontinuous after meshing.
- gap f
Set the gap tolerance used in the creation of subcontacts. Subcontacts will be created if the gap between blocks is less than f times the block dimension. The default is 0.01.
- planarity f
Set the tolerance used by the cutting logic to determine whether nonplanar cuts are to be made. The tolerance is a multiple of the value supplied with
block tolerance
(default value is 0.1).
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