Guide to 3DEC Documentation
The 3DEC Version 7.0 Help documents contain the complete documentation for the program.
The documentation is accessible instantly and directly from the program (use the
menu command).It is integrated with the commands and FISH functions via the Inline Help utility; access to reference documentation is nearly instantaneous and fully targeted.
It contains a built-in Search box at the top right of any page.
Each page may be scanned for content using the browser Find dialog (use Ctrl + F to access).
Material in the documentation can be easily copied and pasted if needed.
It provides a single source for all program documentation.
It contains a feedback mechanism to allow users to provide comments on the material presented (see the link “Was this helpful? …” at the bottom of every page).
The organization of this section of the 3DEC documentation is as follows.
- 3DEC
This is the “front page” for the 3DEC-specific documentation. For convenience it provides two tables as an access point for all major commands and FISH functions used by 3DEC. The other major sections of the documentation are either specific to other Itasca numerical modeling codes, with which 3DEC is integrated (the PFC and FLAC (FLAC2D/FLAC3D) sections), or are devoted to aspects of the software that are shared by all the numerical codes (Itasca Software Guide and Scripting).
- 3DEC Modeling
This section is a user’s guide specific to 3DEC. It provides a general Introduction to 3DEC. The Getting Started section that follows is the best place to begin getting hands-on experience with the program. The Problem Solving with 3DEC section examines each of the major steps in the 3DEC modeling process with detailed consideration.
- 3DEC Theory and Background
The theoretical formulation for 3DEC is described in detail in this section. This includes both the description of the mathematical model that describes the mechanics of a system and the numerical implementation. Reference information on the interface logic and factor of safety calculations is included here. The material here closely corresponds to the content formerly presented in the print manual volumes Theory and Background, Fluid-Mechanical Interaction, and Constitutive Models.
- 3DEC Commands and FISH
This section provides the core description of 3DEC model objects (zones, structural elements, building-blocks, and extrusions), and reference documentation for all the commands and FISH functions used with them.
- Options
All material pertaining to the options (Thermal Analysis, Creep, Dynamic Analysis) for 3DEC are documented here.
- 3DEC Examples
An extensive set of examples is provided here. The projects for all of them are included with the program and are accessible from the
command. The material here closely corresponds to and expands on what was formerly presented in the print manual volumes Example Applications and Verification Problems.- FLAC Examples Index
This page categorically lists all examples that appear in the documentation.
User Support
We believe that the support Itasca provides to code users is a major reason for the popularity of our software. We encourage you to contact us when you have a modeling question. We will provide a timely response via telephone, email or fax. General assistance in the installation of 3DEC on your computer, plus answers to questions concerning capabilities of the various features of the code, are provided free of charge. Technical assistance for specific user-defined problems can be purchased on an as-needed basis.
The first place to look for support is through the Technical Support Dialog built into the user interface, available in the program menu at “Help/Request Technical Support…”
If that does not work for some reason, or if you wish to communicate via phone or email, please contact us.
Itasca Consulting Group111 Third Avenue South, Suite 450Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 USAPhone: (+1) 612-371-4711Fax: (+1) 612-371-4717Email: software@itascacg.comWeb:
We also have a worldwide network of code agents who provide local technical support. Details may be obtained from Itasca. Note that, in general, we prefer to provide support via email, and we will also generally forward your question to the software agent responsible for your region.
More information about support and related tasks (updating the software, identifying version and license numbers, etc.) is available in the Support sub-section of the Program Guide section.
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