
Array interface for FLAC interfaces.


itasca.interfacearray.elements() array int{ninterface, maxnodes}.

Return an array containing the elements indices of each interface. Indices of -1 indicate a non-existent element.

itasca.interfacearray.in_group(group_name: str, slot='default') array bool{ninterface}.

Return interface group membership as a Boolean array.

itasca.interfacearray.nodes() array int{ninterface,maxnodes}.

Return an array containing the nodes indices of each interface. Indices of -1 indicate a non-existent node.

itasca.interfacearray.set_group(membership: array bool{interface}, group_name: str, slot="default") None.

Set interface group from an array. Where membership True set the corresponding interface to be a member of group group_name in the given slot.