
Functions and classes for working with Itasca rblocks.


itasca.rblock.containing(point: vec) RBlock object.

Find the rigid block containing the point. The core shapes are used to determine if the point falls within the rigid block.

itasca.rblock.count() int.

Get the number of rblocks.

itasca.rblock.energies() dict {str: float}.

Get the rblock total energy contribution as a dictionary with string keys and float values. str) float.

Get the rblock total energy contribution. This is the sum over all rblocks of the energy with name energy_na,e (see the set energy command). Available energies are: “energy-body”, “energy-damp” and “energy-kinetic”.

itasca.rblock.find(id: int) RBlock object.

Get the RBlock object with the given ID number.

itasca.rblock.inbox(lower_bound: vec, upper_bound: vec, intersect=True) Tuple of RBlock objects.

Get a tuple of rblocks with extents intersecting a box. The extent is the axis-aligned bounding box of the rblock. The if the optional keyword argument intersect is False only rblocks with positions falling in the box are returned.

itasca.rblock.list() RBlock object iterator.

Get a rblock iterator object.

itasca.rblock.maxid() int.

Get the maximum rblock ID.

itasca.rblock.near(point: vec, radius=0.0) RBlock object.

Find the closest rblock to a point. If the optional keyword argument radius is non-zero, only search within this radius.

