
Functions and classes for working with Itasca walls.


itasca.wall.count() int.

Get the number of walls. str) double.

Get the wall total energy contribution. The string argument is the energy name, “energy-boundary” is the only energy type defined.

itasca.wall.find(id: int or str) Wall object.

Get the Wall object with the given ID number or the name.

itasca.wall.inbox(lower_bound: vec, upper_bound: vec, boundary=False) tuple of Wall objects.

Get walls with extents intersecting a box. If the optional keyword argument boundary is True only return the walls inside the extent.

itasca.wall.list() Wall object iterator.

Get a wall iterator object.

itasca.wall.maxid() int.

Get the maximum wall ID.

itasca.wall.near(point: vec) Wall object.

Find the closest wall to a point.

