structure geogrid history command


structure geogrid history keyword

Primary keywords:

coupling-displacement    coupling-stress    coupling-yield    force    force-x    force-y    force-z    ipstress-xx    ipstress-yy    ipstress-xy    moment    moment-x    moment-y    moment-z    resultant-mx    resultant-my    resultant-mxy    resultant-nx    resultant-ny    resultant-nxy    resultant-qx    resultant-qy    stress-intermediate    stress-maximum    stress-minimum    stress-xx    stress-xy    stress-xz    stress-yy    stress-yz    stress-zz

Sample geogrid responses.

If the optional name keyword is used, then the history can be assigned a name for later reference. If not used, then the history will be assigned a default name based on the internally assigned ID number. The element to be sampled must be identified by either component ID (component-id i) or by position (position v). If position v is used, then the element nearest to v is taken.

For stress and stress resultant histories, the surface coordinate system of the three nodes used by the element must be defined. If it is not already defined, then it can be defined by the structure geogrid recover surface command, or by specifying the surface-x keyword. Bending and membrane stress resultants from adjoining elements are not averaged at the element nodes.

coupling-displacement [geogridhistoryblock]

displacement magnitude (always positive) in shear coupling springs at the node of the element. This option uses the node keyword.

coupling-stress [geogridhistoryblock]

stress magnitude (always positive) in shear coupling spring at the node of the element. This option uses the node keyword.

coupling-yield [geogridhistoryblock]

yield state in coupling spring at the node of the element. Value {0, 1, 2} denotes never yielded, now yielding, or yielded in the past, respectively. This option uses the node keyword.

force [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal force magnitude. Uses the node keyword.

force-x [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal force (x-component, global system). Uses the node keyword.

force-y [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal force (y-component, global system). Uses the node keyword.

force-z [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal force (z-component, global system). Uses the node keyword.

ipstress-xx [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (xx-component, surface coordinate system) for an element with a plastic material model. Uses the integration-point keyword and may also use the surface-x keyword.

ipstress-yy [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (yy-component, surface coordinate system) for an element with a plastic material model. Uses the integration-point keyword and may also use the surface-x keyword.

ipstress-xy [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (xy-component, surface coordinate system) for an element with a plastic material model. Uses the integration-point keyword and may also use the surface-x keyword.

moment [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal moment magnitude. Uses the node keyword.

moment-x [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal moment (x-component, global system). Uses the node keyword.

moment-y [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal moment (y-component, global system). Uses the node keyword.

moment-z [geogridhistoryblock]

nodal moment (z-component, global system). Uses the node keyword.

resultant-mx [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant Mx (surface system) at element centroid. May use the surface-x keyword.

resultant-my [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant My (surface system) at element centroid. May use the surface-x keyword.

resultant-mxy [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant Mxy (surface system) at element centroid. May use the surface-x keyword.

resultant-nx [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant Nx (surface system) at element centroid. May use the surface-x keyword.

resultant-ny [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant Ny (surface system) at element centroid. May use the surface-x keyword.

resultant-nxy [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant Nxy (surface system) at element centroid. May use the surface-x keyword.

resultant-qx [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant Qx (surface system) at element centroid. Uses the surface-x keyword.

resultant-qy [geogridhistoryblock]

stress resultant Qy (surface system) at element centroid. May use the surface-x keyword.

stress-intermediate [geogridhistoryblock]

principal intermediate stress (σ2) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-maximum [geogridhistoryblock]

principal maximum stress (σ1) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-minimum [geogridhistoryblock]

principal minimum stress (σ3) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-xx [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (xx-component, global system) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-xy [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (xy-component, global system) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-xz [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (xz-component, global system) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-yy [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (yy-component, global system) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-yz [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (yz-component, global system) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

stress-zz [geogridhistoryblock]

stress (zz-component, global system) at element centroid for an element with an elastic material model. Uses the depth-factor keyword, and may also use the surface-x keyword.

Keyword Block

The following keywords are available to control the location and other details of the history. Some keywords are only available if noted. coupling-displacement, coupling-stress, coupling-yield, force, force-x, force-y, force-z, ipstress-xx, ipstress-xy, ipstress-yy, moment, moment-x, moment-y, moment-z, resultant-mx, resultant-mxy, resultant-my, resultant-nx, resultant-nxy, resultant-ny, resultant-qx, resultant-qy, stress-intermediate, stress-maximum, stress-minimum, stress-xx, stress-xy, stress-xz, stress-yy, stress-yz and stress-zz.

component-id ind

the element with component ID ind is selected.

depth-factor f

the depth factor at which elastic element stresses are computed (see the structure geogrid recover stress command). If this keyword is not specified, then the depth factor is set to +1. Only available if noted.

integration-point ind

the integration point at which stresses are sampled. The integration point locations are shown here. If this keyword is not specified, then the integration point index is set to 1. Only available if noted.

node ind

the node location to use when retrieving values from the element. Must be from 1 to 3. If this keyword is not specified, then the node location is set to 1. Only available if noted.

position v

the element with a centroid closest to v is selected

surface-x v

the surface-x vector whose projection onto the element plane defines the x-direction of the surface coordinate system (see the structure geogrid recover surface command). If this keyword is specified, then the surface coordinate system of the three nodes used by the element will be modified.