structure hybrid list
- structure hybrid list keyword <range>
Primary keywords:
apply dowel force-axial force-node group grout information length property dowel-active-length dowel-failure-strain dowel-stiffness dowel-yield stress system-local yield
Lists properties and responses of hybrid bolt elements in the range. If no keyword is given, the default output of the command is that associated with the information keyword.
- apply
axial tension that will be maintained during cycling
- dowel
list of dowels associated with each element in the range
- force-axial
axial force in the bolt (average of the two end forces)
- force-node <keyword>
generalized nodal forces (force and moment) acting on the element. These are the generalized forces exerted by the nodes on the element.
- local
express the values in the element coordinate system (the default)
- global
express the values in the global coordinate system
- group <slot s >
group assignment(s). If slot is specified, then list the group assignment, if any, in slot s.
- grout
information about the grout that is modeled as coupling springs that connect the bolt to the target object (zones in FLAC3D and 3DEC, and particles in PFC3D): confinement, displacement, stress, yield state and average axial direction
- information
general element information: nodal connectivity, centroid, surface area, volume, and hide/select status
- length
length of the bolt
- property keyword
- cross-sectional-area
cross-sectional area
- density
mass density
- grout-cohesion
grout cohesion (force units) per unit length
- grout-friction
grout friction angle
- grout-perimeter
grout exposed perimeter
- grout-stiffness
grout stiffness per unit length
- slide
large-strain sliding flag
- slide-tolerance
large-strain sliding tolerance
- tensile-failure-strain
tensile failure strain
- thermal-expansion
thermal-expansion coefficient
- yield-compression
compressive yield strength
- yield-tension
tensile yield strength
- young
Young’s modulus
- dowel-active-length
Active length of dowel segments [L]
- dowel-failure-strain
Dowel shear strain limit [-]
- dowel-stiffness
Dowel shear stiffness [F/L]
- dowel-yield
Dowel shear yield strength [F]
- stress
axial stress in the hybrid bolt element (not to be confused with stress in the grout)
- system-local
element local coordinate system
- yield
yield state indicating whether or not the hybrid bolt element has yielded
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