
v :=,ipnum,isys)

Get stress at integration point of an element with a plastic material model. Each shell element with a plastic material model has a number of integration points distributed throughout its volume, and each of them tracks its stress. The stress state satisfies the plane-stress assumption such that the only non-zero components are \(\sigma_{xx}\), \(\sigma_{yy}\) and \(\sigma_{xy}\). The integration point locations are shown here (see also the function). Get stress for elements with elastic material models using the function.


v - stress ordered as \((\sigma_{xx}, \sigma_{yy}, \sigma_{xy})\) in either the element local or surface system


p - pointer to a shell-type element

ipnum - integration point number as shown here

isys - coordinate system indicator (1 is element local or 2 is surface). If the stress in the surface coordinate system is requested, then this system must already be established for the shell element (see the structure shell recover surface command).