building-blocks block transform
- building-blocks block transform <origin v > keyword <control-point b > <range>
Perform a general geometric transformation on points of blocks. If <
> is not specified all blocks are transformed.For those options that require an origin (rotate, reflect, and scale) the optional origin may be supplied to specify the origin for the operation.
The <control-point b> option for the edges with control points indicates whether control-points on an edge should move if only one of the points of that edge is moved. For the faces with control points the option indicates where control-points of a face should move if not all of the face points are moved. The default is true. The option has no effect with reflect keyword.
- reflect keyword
Make a reflection transformation about a plane.
- rotate direction v angle f
Perform a rotation by angle f, in degrees, using rotation axes that go through the coordinate origin in the direction v.
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