FLAC3D Modeling • Introduction
Fields of Application
FLAC (FLAC2D and FLAC3D) was developed primarily for geotechnical engineering applications. [CS: ??? what to do, what to do…] contains a bibliography of publications on the application of |flac3d| to geotechnical problems in the fields of mining, underground engineering, rock mechanics and research.
Some possible applications of FLAC are noted below.
Area |
Project Type |
Problems Solved |
Tunneling |
Factor of safety |
Shafts |
Probability of failure |
Caverns |
Ground stability and improvement |
Rockfill and concrete dams |
Tunnel support and design |
Excavations |
Dynamic analysis |
Slopes |
Evaluation of liquefaction potential |
Earth retaining structures |
Groundwater flow and dewatering |
Harbor structures |
Heat transfer |
Foundations |
Back analysis and observational method |
Embankments |
Ground freezing |
Dewatering |
Settlements, consolidation, and creep |
Pavement and subgrade |
Coupled thermal-mechanical-flow |
Waste disposal |
Factor of safety |
Open pit |
Excavation stability |
Underground stope |
Infrastructure design |
Room-and-pillar |
Slope stability |
Longwall |
Subsidence |
Caving |
Dewatering |
Solution mining |
Blasting efficiency |
Shafts and passes |
Cavability |
Recovery and dilution |
Backfill |
Tunneling and mine construction |
Tailings stability |
Tailings dams design and stability |
Pillar sizing / spacing |
Ground freezing |
Excavation damage and disturbed zones |
Ground control / remediation |
Tunnel ground reaction curves / longitudinal profiles |
OIL and GAS |
Conventional |
Hydraulic fracturing and injection |
Unconventional |
Well drilling and completions |
Well completions |
Borehole breakout |
Enhanced recovery |
Sanding |
Fluid injection |
Induced seismicity and microseismics |
Wellbore optimization and stability |
Enhanced oil recovery |
Casing failure analysis |
Cap rock integrity |
Coupled hydro-mechanical-thermal analysis |
Fault stability |
Compaction and subsidence |
Reservoir scale modeling |
Fault movement and Integrity |
Salt cavern formation, stability, and gas storage |
Deep well injection of produced water |
Engineered geothermal systems |
Factor of safety |
Hydrothermal |
Excavation damage and disturbed zones |
Nuclear reactor plants |
Foundations |
Nuclear waste isolation |
Engineered barrier evaluation |
Wind energy turbines |
Dynamic response to earthquakes |
Hydroelectric dams |
Groundwater infiltration |
Hydroelectric power houses |
Deep well injection of blowdown waters |
Thermal plants |
Rock characterization |
CO2 sequestration |
Geophysical investigations |
Non-destructive examinations |
Microseismic and acoustic emission |
Cap rock integrity |
Site feasibility and suitability |
In-situ and laboratory testing |
Hydro-mechanical-thermal-chemical coupled effect |
Equipment design |
High-deformation extrusions |
Process design |
High-deformation punches |
Artificial diamond manufacturing |
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