contact create-on-overlap command


contact create-on-overlap bval

Primary keywords:


Specify whether or not contacts are created when pieces overlap (off by default). If the type keyword is not given then it applies to all contact types.

By default, contacts are created before pieces overlap using the strategy outline here, based on criteria for pieces moving outside of their tolerance extents. If set to true, contacts are still remapped in the cell space using that criteria, though contacts are not created until the pieces actually overlap. This may increase the computational efficiency dramatically, especially for granular flow simulations, but requires the use of contact models with incremental normal force computations enabled. If the normal force computation mode is not incremental the model will likely produce instabilities.

type keyword ...

Turn off contact detection for a specific type of contact. All other contacts will be detected.


Specify the contact detection state for ball-ball contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for ball-facet contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for ball-pebble contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for ball-rblock contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for pebble-facet contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for pebble-pebble contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for pebble-rblock contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for rblock-facet contacts.


Specify the contact detection state for rblock-rblock contacts.

Usage Example

contact create-on-overlap on
contact create-on-overlap type ball-ball