
class itasca.flowknot.Flowknot

Objects of this type should not be created (instantiated) directly in Python. Use the module functions that return instances of this type.

area() float.

Get the area corresponding to the knot.

bulk() float.

Get the fluid bulk modulus used by this flow knot.

extra(slot: int) any.

Get the flowknot extra data in the given slot.

fix_fluid() int.

Get the indicator of pore pressure variation.

fix_proppant() bool.

Get the flag of proppant variation (true = free; false = constant volume fraction).

fix_thermal() int.

Get the thermal condition code (0 = free; 1 = constant temperature; 2 = constant flux).

flux_fluid_app() float.

Get the additional flux source value.

flux_thermal() float.

Get the heat flow sum.

flux_thermal_app() float.

Get the heat flux on the boundary.

flux_thermal_unbal() float.

Get the unbalanced themral flux.

group([slot: str or int]) str.

Get the flowknot group name in a given slot.

group_remove(group_name: str or int[, slot: str or int]) bool.

Remove from the given group from all group slots of the flowknot. One argument of type string, giving the group name, is required. The return value is a bool which is True if the group was removed from any slot, otherwise False.

groups() {slot: group_name}.

Get a dictionary describing which groups this flowknot is part of. The keys of the dictionary are the slot names and the values are the group names.

htc() float.

Get the heat transfer coefficient.

id() int.

Get the flowknot id.

in_group(group_name: str or int[, slot: str or int]) bool.

Test if the flowknot is part of a given group. If the optional argument slot is given, only that slot is searched. Otherwise, all group slots are searched.

index() int.

Get the index (offset) of a given flow knot.

is_hidden() bool.

Get the hidden state of the zone.

pos() vec.

Get the flowknot flowknot position (vector).

pos_x() float.

Get the x-component of the flowknot flowknot position.

pos_y() float.

Get the y-component of the flowknot flowknot position.

pos_z() float.

Get the z-component of the flowknot flowknot position.

pp() float.

Get the flow knot pore pressure.

propin_vol() float.

Get the proppant volume concentration in injected fluid.

set_bulk(float) None.

Set the fluid bulk modulus used by this flow knot.

set_extra(slot: int, value: any) None.

Set the flowknot extra data in the given slot.

set_fix_fluid(int) None.

Set the indicator of pore pressure variation.

set_fix_proppant(bool) None.

Set the flag of proppant variation (true = free; false = constant volume fraction).

set_fix_thermal(int) None.

Set the thermal condition code (0 = free; 1 = constant temperature; 2 = constant flux).

set_flux_fluid_app(float) None.

Set the additional flux source value.

set_flux_thermal_app(float) None.

Set the heat flux on the boundary.

set_group(group_name: str or int[, slot: str or int]) None.

Set the flowknot group name in a given slot.

set_htc(float) None.

Set the heat transfer coefficient.

set_pp(float) None.

Set the flow knot pore pressure.

set_propin_vol(float) None.

Set the proppant volume concentration in injected fluid.

set_temp(float) None.

Set the flow knot temperature.

stiffness() float.

Get the fluid stiffness corresponding to the knot.

temp() float.

Get the flow knot temperature.

timestep() float.

Get the fluidflow timestep corresponding to the knot.

trans() float.

Get the total transmissivity of elements connected to the knot.

valid() bool.

Returns True if this flowknot is live.

vertexlist() vertex list.

Get vertex list of the flowknot.

vol() float.

Get the volume corresponding to the knot.

vol_unbal() float.

Get the unbalanced flow volume for the current cycle.

vol_unbal_max() float.

Get the maximum unbalanced volume during simulation.