
class itasca.geometry.Set

Objects of this type should not be created (instantiated) directly in Python. Use the module functions that return instances of this type.

closest(vec) vec.

Get closest node coordinate vector from the position supplied.

delete() None.

Delete this geometry set.

edge_count() int.

Get the number of edges.

edge_create(Geometry node pointer, Geometry node pointer) Geometry edge object.

Add a geometry edge with a given position.

edge_delete(Geometry edge pointer) bool.

Remove a geometry edge from the geometry set.

edge_find(id: int) Geometry edge object.

Get the geometry edge with a given id.

edge_maxid() int.

Get the maximum edge ID.

edge_near(vec) Geometry edge object.

Get the geometry edge near a given position.

edges() Geometry edge iterator object.

Get a geometry edge interator object.

id() int.

Get the geometry set id.

name() string.

Get the geometry set name.

node_count() int.

Get the number of nodes.

node_create(vec) Geometry node object.

Add a geometry node with a given position.

node_delete(Geometry node pointer) bool.

Remove a geometry node from the geometry set.

node_find(id: int) Geometry node object.

Get the geometry node with a given id.

node_maxid() int.

Get the maximum node ID.

node_near(vec) Geometry node object.

Get the geometry node near a given position.

nodes() Geometry node iterator object.

Get a geometry node interator object.

poly_count() int.

Get the number of polygons.

poly_create(Geometry node list) Geometry polygon object.

Add a geometry polygon with a given position.

poly_delete(Geometry polygon pointer) bool.

Remove a geometry polygon from the geometry set.

poly_find(id: int) Geometry polygon object.

Get the geometry polygon with a given id.

poly_maxid() int.

Get the maximum polygon ID.

poly_near(vec) Geometry polygon object.

Get the geometry polygon near a given position.

polys() Geometry polygon iterator object.

Get a geometry polygon interator object.

raydist(vec, vec) -> double.

Get the distance from a point to the set along a ray.

remove() None.

Remove this geometry set.

valid() bool.

Returns True if this geometry set is live.