structure node free command


structure node free keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

rotation    rotation-x    rotation-y    rotation-z    system-local    velocity    velocity-x    velocity-y    velocity-z

Free the velocity-fixity conditions for all nodes in the range, thereby allowing these values to change based on the equation of motion. The velocity-fixity conditions are fixed with the structure node fix command.


rotational velocity in all three rotational degrees-of-freedom (node-local system)

rotation-x (3D ONLY)

rotational velocity about \(x\)-axis (node-local system)

rotation-y (3D ONLY)

rotational velocity about \(y\)-axis (node-local system)

rotation-z (3D ONLY)

rotational velocity about \(z\)-axis (node-local system)


allows automatic updating of the node-local system based on the elements that use the node (as described here). This is the default behavior (see structure node fix system-local).


translational velocity in all three translational degrees-of-freedom (node-local system)


translational velocity in \(x\)-direction (node-local system)

velocity-y (3D ONLY)

translational velocity in \(y\)-direction (node-local system)

velocity-z (3D ONLY)

translational velocity in \(z\)-direction (node-local system)