FLAC3D Modeling • Problem Solving with FLAC3D

Problem Solving with FLAC

This section provides guidance in the use of FLAC3D in problem solving for static mechanical analysis.[1] It does so by breaking the modeling process down to a sequence from project start to project completion, as follows.

Each of these modeling aspects is discussed in detail. The user who is familiar with the two-dimensional program FLAC will find that the modeling approach is very similar in FLAC3D. The major difference is the procedure for grid generation. We recommend that Grid Generation be studied carefully, and that the user grasps the techniques for grid generation presented there before creating their own model grids.

Note that FISH programs are used in this section to assist with model generation and problem solving. If new to the FISH language, it is advisable to first read FISH Tutorial.

The philosophy of modeling in the field of geomechanics was presented earlier in the topics discussed in the section Modeling Methodology. The novice modeler may wish to review that section first. The methodology of modeling in geomechanics can be significantly different from that of other engineering fields, such as structural engineering. It is important to keep this in mind when performing any geomechanics analysis.

Section Outline
