clump trace command


clump trace <id id > <pebble> id id2 | v

Add a clump or pebble particle trace. The positions and velocities of clumps/pebbles can be sampled and stored during a model run and the path through space can be visualized. The optional id directly following trace creates a particle trace with the specified ID. If not specified, then the next available particle trace ID is used. The optional pebble keyword indicates that a pebble is to be traced. Following this, either 1) a position vector or 2) or an additional id keyword must be given to identify a specific clump or pebble. See the c trace commands for details regarding the manipulation of particle traces.

Usage Example

clump trace id 4

clump trace id 2

clump trace id 3 pebble (-604.633,748.976,672.833)