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Search & Filter

Search Field
All search terms are used; a match must contain all terms. Using more search words will yield a smaller number of results. Phrase search (e.g., using quotation marks around terms) is not available.
While searching is in progress, the "Searching ..." label is shown. When finished, the label changes and the number of match results is indicated. This number is updated as the filtering options below are used.
Include results from the source indicated when checked; uncheck to exclude that source from results. Unchecking all boxes will likely remove all results.
Include results that are the type indicated when checked; uncheck to exclude that type from results. These options only appear if there are more than 15 results in the unfiltered results.
Require the term(s) entered to appear in the title of the search results. Filter term(s) are automatically applied on text entry (pressing "Enter" is not required). Clear text in the field to stop title filtering. This field only appears if there are more than 15 results in the unfiltered results.

TIPS: Filter TitlesX

Document titles on the results list are filtered by the term(s) entered.

Clear the filter field to stop filtering by title.

See "Search & Filter" at the end of page for complete instructions for all filtering tools.