block zone list
- block zone list keyword <range>
Primary keywords:
ratio extra fluid group metric polyhedra pore-pressure position property stress-principal state stress
List information about zones.
- ratio <i f >
List volumes, aspect ratios and stress ratios for zones in deformable blocks. Printouts can be screened by setting the optional parameters i and f:
For i =
Zones with ratio of zone volume versus average zone volume in the block < f are printed.
Zones with ratio of maximum edge length versus the cube root of zone volume > f are printed (denoted by drat).
Zones with ratio of circumscribed radius versus the cube root of zone volume > f rat are printed (denoted by sphrat).
Zones with ratio of circumscribed radius versus inscribed radius > f are printed (denoted by zdp).
- extra
List zone extra variable information.
- fluid
List zone fluid information if matrix flow is on.
- group
List zone group names.
- metric
List metrics describing the zone quality.
- polyhedra <filename s >
Create a file that contains a series of
block create tetrahedron
commands that will turn each zone into a block. The original block groups, regions, material numbers and constitutive numbers are applied to the new tetrahedral blocks. If not specified, the file is given the name “POLY.DAT”. The number of significant digits is equal to 12 or the global model precision, whichever is greater. To increase the precision above 12 digits, use themodel precision
- pore-pressure
List zone pore pressure (average gridpoint pore-pressure).
- position
List gridpoint addresses, centroid coordinates and volume (this is the default option).
- property keyword ...
Material properties assigned to zones. Property names for each constitutive model are listed with the model definitions (see the model definitions in the Constitutive Models section).
- stress-principal
List zone principal stresses and orientations.
- state
List zone centroid, material number, constitutive number and plasticity state number. The plasticity state number is the sum of any state codes that may apply. The state codes for Mohr-Coulomb zones are as follows. Zones with other constitutive models may exhibit other codes. See the c block zone commands for details.
matrix shear currently at yield
matrix tension currently at yield
matrix shear yield in past
matrix tension yield in past
- stress
List zone stresses, tensors and plasticity state indicators.
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