Functions and classes for working with Itasca clumps.
- itasca.clump.containing(point: vec) Clump object.
Find the clump containing the point.
- itasca.clump.count() int.
Get the number of clumps.
- itasca.clump.energies() dict {str: float}.
Get the clump total energy contribution as a dictionary with string keys and float values.
- str) float.
Get the clump total energy contribution. This is the sum over all clumps of the energy with name energy_na,e (see the set energy command). Available energies are: “energy-body”, “energy-damp” and “energy-kinetic”.
- itasca.clump.find(id: int) Clump object.
Get the Clump object with the given ID number.
- itasca.clump.inbox(lower_bound: vec, upper_bound: vec, intersect=True) Tuple of Clump objects.
Get a tuple of clumps with extents intersecting a box. The extent is the axis-aligned bounding box of the clump. The if the optional keyword argument intersect is False only clumps with positions falling in the box are returned.
- itasca.clump.list() Clump object iterator.
Get a clump iterator object.
- itasca.clump.maxid() int.
Get the maximum clump ID.
- itasca.clump.near(point: vec, radius=0.0) Clump object.
Find the closest clump to a point. If the optional keyword argument radius is non-zero, only search within this radius.
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