- class itasca.rblock.template.Template
Objects of this type should not be created (instantiated) directly in Python. Use the module functions that return instances of this type.
- delete() None.
Delete this rblock template. All rblocks that referred to this rblock template no longer refer to any rblock template.
- id() int.
Get the rblock template id.
- moi() tensor.
Get the rblock template moment of intertia. In 2D the polar moment of intertial is used so the return value is a float.
- moi_prin() vec.
Get the rblock template principal moment of inertia (vector).
- moi_prin_x() float.
Get the x-component of the rblock template principal moment of inertia.
- moi_prin_y() float.
Get the y-component of the rblock template principal moment of inertia.
- moi_prin_z() float.
Get the z-component of the rblock template principal moment of inertia.
- name() str.
Get the rblock template name.
- set_moi() tensor.
Get the rblock template moment of intertia. In 2D the polar moment of intertial is used so the return value is a float. When modified no other rblock attributes are changed (e.g., pebble sizes, rblock volume, etc.). The specification of the moment of inertia in this way results in the principal moments of inertia being in a fixed state so that they will not be automatically updated when scaling a rblock unless the user changes the fix state (see the RBlock moi_fix() method).
- set_moi_prin(value: vec) None.
Set the rblock template principal moment of inertia (vector).
- set_moi_prin_x(value: float) None.
Set the x-component of the rblock template principal moment of inertia.
- set_moi_prin_y(value: float) None.
Set the y-component of the rblock template principal moment of inertia.
- set_moi_prin_z(value: float) None.
Set the z-component of the rblock template principal moment of inertia.
- set_vol(value: float) None.
Set the rblock template volume. In 2D this is the volume per unit thickness.
- valid() bool.
Returns True of this object is a live rblock template.
- vol() float.
Get the rblock template volume. In 2D this is the volume per unit thickness.
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