model solve-fluid-decoupled command


model solve-fluid-decoupled <time> ftime <convergence> <fconv > <keyword ...>

Primary keywords:

stages    stage-save    stage-result    stage-fish

Solve an uncoupled fluid-mechanical system in a specific number of steps (or divisions).

This command makes inactive all processes other than fluid and static mechanical. The specified time ftime (which must be given) is divided up into stages, each step \(\frac{ftime}{stages}\) long. If the number of stages is not specified the 5 is assumed by default. If no mechanical convergence criteria is specified then the default used will be convergence 1.

For each step the fluid process is made active and the mechanical process is made inactive, then the fluid process is solved for the target time. After which the fluid process is made inactive and the mechanical process is made active until the mechanical process comes to equilibrium. Two way coupling will be deactivated during mechanical cycling - meaning volumetric changes will not result in any change in the fluid state.

This sequence is repeated for each step until the number of stages has been reached and the total fluid calculation time is ftime.

If no mechanical convergence option is specified a convergence of 1 will be used by default.

In addition to the keywords available to the model solve command, the following additional keywords area available:

stages i

Specify the number of stages over which to divide the fluid time. The default is 5.

stage-save <sname >

If specified, after the end of each stage a save file will be made in the current directory. The save file will be named stageXX where XX is the number of the stage (0 prefix). If given the string sname will be used instead of stage.

stage-result <sname >

If specified, after the end of each stage a results file will be made in the current directory. The results file will be named stageXX where XX is the number of the stage (0 prefix). If given the string sname will be used instead of stage.

stage-fish sym

If specified, after each stage the FISH function sym will be called. If the FISH function takes an argument it will be set to the stage number starting at i1.