structure liner list command


structure liner list keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

apply    coupling-normal    coupling-shear    depth-factor    element-type    force-node    group    information    model    plastic-state    plastic-stress    property    resultants    stress    stress-bounds    stress-principal    system-local    system-material

List properties and responses of liner elements in the range. If no keyword is given, the default output of the command is that associated with the information keyword.


uniform applied pressure acting on the element


information about the normal coupling springs connecting the liner to the target object (zones in FLAC3D and 3DEC, and particles in PFC3D): normal displacement, stress, and normal direction. Normal displacement positive/negative implies separation/overlap; normal stress positive/negative implies tension/compression; and normal direction is given as a unit vector in the global system.


information about the shear coupling springs connecting the liner to the target object (zones in FLAC3D and 3DEC, and particles in PFC3D): shear displacement, stress, yield state and shear direction. Shear displacement and stress are always positive and act in the liner tangent plane; and shear direction is given as a unit vector in the global system.


depth factor used during stress recovery for elements with an elastic material model


finite element type

force-node <keyword>

generalized nodal forces (force and moment) acting on the element. These are the generalized forces exerted by the nodes on the element.


express the values in the element coordinate system (the default)


express the values in the global coordinate system

group <slot s >

group assignment(s). If slot is specified, then list the group assignment, if any, in slot s.


general element information: nodal connectivity, centroid, surface area, volume, and hide/select status


constitutive model

plastic-state <integration-point ind >

Plasticity state indicators. Each shell element with a plastic material model has a number of integration points distributed throughout its volume, and each of them tracks its plasticity state. The plasticity states at all integration points are listed, unless integration-point is specified. The integration point locations are shown here. The plasticity states of the plastic constitutive models can be listed by the structure liner cmodel list states command.

plastic-stress <surface> <integration-point ind >

Stress for elements with a plastic material model. Each shell element with a plastic material model has a number of integration points distributed throughout its volume, and each of them tracks its stress. The stress state satisfies the plane-stress assumption such that the only non-zero components are σxx, σyy and σxy. The stress is expressed in the element coordinate system, unless surface is specified, in which case the stress is expressed in the surface coordinate system (which must already be established for the shell element — see the structure liner recover surface command). The stresses at all integration points are listed, unless integration-point is specified. The integration point locations are shown here.

property <integration-point ind > keyword

The properties consist of constitutive model properties, shell-type properties, and coupling-spring properties. The constitutive model properties are listed by specifying the constitutive property name; these names are not listed here. Elastic-plastic constitutive model properties are stored at each integration point. Such properties are the same at all integration points, except for the softening properties of the strain-softening/hardening Mohr Coulomb constitutive model. The value at a particular integration point is listed by specifying the integration-point keyword — the integration point layout is shown here.

Shell-Type Properties


mass density


thermal-expansion coefficient


shell thickness

Coupling-Spring Properties


shear coupling spring cohesion (stress units)


shear coupling spring cohesion (stress units) on side 2


shear coupling spring residual cohesion (stress units)


shear coupling spring residual cohesion (stress units) on side 2


shear coupling spring friction angle (degrees)


shear coupling spring friction angle (degrees) on side 2


coupling spring normal stiffness per unit area


coupling spring normal stiffness per unit area on side 2


coupling spring shear stiffness per unit area


coupling spring shear stiffness per unit area on side 2


normal coupling spring tensile strength (stress units)


normal coupling spring tensile strength (stress units) on side 2


effective stress flag (default to on). If off, then pore pressures are not removed from the stress normal to the liner when determining shear failure limits.


large-strain sliding flag


large-strain sliding tolerance

resultants <nodes>

stress resultants expressed in the surface coordinate system. By default, the values are given at the element centroid; however, if nodes is specified, then the values are given at the element nodes. The stress resultants are recovered by the structure liner recover resultants command.

stress <nodes>

stresses at the indicated depth expressed in the global coordinate system for elements with an elastic material model. By default, the values are given at the element centroid; however, if nodes is specified, then the values are given at the element nodes. The stresses are recovered by the structure liner recover stress command.


minimum and maximum stress within the element. If the element has an elastic material model, then uses the 2D principal stresses at the element centroid at the shell surfaces (obtained from the nodal forces acting on the element, and with no nodal smoothing). If the element has a plastic material model, then the 2D principal stresses are found at the element centroid of each integration-point layer, and the minimum and maximum values over all layers are listed.

stress-principal <nodes>

principal stresses at the indicated depth expressed in the global coordinate system for elements with an elastic material model. By default, the values are given at the element centroid; however, if nodes is specified, then the values are given at the element nodes. The stresses are recovered by the structure liner recover stress command.


element local coordinate system


element material coordinate system (used if the element has orthotropic or anisotropic elastic material properties)