structure link create
- structure link create keyword ... <range>
Primary keywords:
default-attach on-nodeid offset side target target-range group
Creates new links on structure nodes in the range. If the node already has a link associated with it, this will be ignored. Existing links can be removed with the
structure link delete
command. If source and target ID numbers are not supplied, then the command will automatically look for valid targets on all potential new links in the range.- default-attach b
By default a new link created with this command is given rigid connections in all six degrees-of-freedom if created on side on, and free connection in all six if created on side two. By setting this keyword to true, links created will be given the default attachment conditions associated with the first element their host node is connected to. This is not compatible with target node. Please note that this is required for elements to pass property values to the link models in individual degrees-of-freedom. If not done, this will not happen even if the link models match those expected by the element.
- on-nodeid i
Specify a specific node component-id number on which to create a link. If this keyword is used, the range phrase is not used. If the target keyword is used with a specific id supplied, on-nodeid must be used to specify the source node.
- offset v
When a specific target has not been specified, an offset vector can be used to search for a node or zone that does not lie in the location of the source node. The location checked will be the source node position plus the offset vector v. Note that if a zone is the target and an offset is used, then the large strain sliding update should be turned off using the sliding property of the element.
- side i
Specify on which side (side number can be 1 to N) of a node attached to an embedded liner element the link should attach to. The default is side 1.
- target keyword
Identify the target entity. The default target zone will be used if target is not supplied.
- zone <i >
Specify the link(s) should look for a zone target. If i is not specified, then a non-null zone that is within a distance δ of the source node is utilized. If i is specified, then that zone is used if it is non-null and the source node is within a distance δ of its boundary. (See the preceding discussion for a definition of δ.)
- node <i >
Specify that the link(s) should look for a node target. If i is not specified, then a node that is within a distance δ of the source node is utilized. If i is specified, then the two nodes must be near to each other for a link to be created. Near is defined as being within a distance δ of one another, where δ is the global value of node tolerance (see the
structure link tolerance-contact
command). The attachment conditions of the new link are set to “rigid” for all six directions if the link is on side 1, and “free” if the link is on side 2.
- target-range keyword ...
Specify a range that will be used to filter target objects (specified by the target keyword). Only objects that fall within the range will be considered for link creation. By default all objects of that type will be considered.
See the Range Phrase documentation for the list of range elements and control keywords that may be included in a range phrase. Note the keyword range is not used in this context.
Usage Example
The following example will create a link to zones on all links on side 2 of nodes connected to liner elements that have been assigned the group name First.
structure link create target zone side 2 range group 'First'
The following example will create a link to nodes, if there is another node at that location, for all nodes associated with the group name Connection.
structure link create target node range group 'Connection'
The following example will create a link between the node with component-id 5 and the first node found within a tolerance of its location.
structure link create on-nodeid 5 target node
The following example will create a link between the node with component-id 5 and the node with component-id 16.
structure link create on-nodeid 5 target node 16
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