structure node history command


structure node history <name s > keyword

Samples nodal responses. These include displacement, velocity, position, and out-of-balance force.

If the optional name keyword is used, then the history can be supplied with a name to identify it later. If a name is not supplied, then one will be assigned automatically based on the internally created ID number of the history object.

The particular node must be identified either by coordinates (position v) or by node ID (component-id i).

The sampled quantity is expressed in the global system, unless the optional keyword local is specified, in which case it is expressed in the node-local system. The local keyword is not available for the position histories (position-x, position-y, position-z); these are always expressed in the global system.

acceleration-x [nodehistoryblock]

translational acceleration (x-component, global or node-local system)

acceleration-y [nodehistoryblock]

translational acceleration (y-component, global or node-local system)

acceleration-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

translational acceleration (z-component, global or node-local system)

acceleration-rotational-x (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational acceleration (x-component, global or node-local system)

acceleration-rotational-y (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational acceleration (y-component, global or node-local system)

acceleration-rotational-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational acceleration (z-component, global or node-local system)

displacement-x [nodehistoryblock]

translational displacement (x-component, global or node-local system)

displacement-y [nodehistoryblock]

translational displacement (y-component, global or node-local system)

displacement-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

translational displacement (z-component, global or node-local system)

displacement-rotational (2D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational displacement (global or node-local system)

displacement-rotational-x (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational displacement (x-component, global or node-local system)

displacement-rotational-y (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational displacement (y-component, global or node-local system)

displacement-rotational-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational displacement (z-component, global or node-local system)

force-x [nodehistoryblock]

translational out-of-balance force (x-component, global or node-local system)

force-y [nodehistoryblock]

translational out-of-balance force (y-component, global or node-local system)

force-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

translational out-of-balance force (z-component, global or node-local system)

moment (2D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

out-of-balance moment (global or node-local system)

moment-x (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

out-of-balance moment (x-component, global or node-local system)

moment-y (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

out-of-balance moment (y-component, global or node-local system)

moment-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

out-of-balance moment (z-component, global or node-local system)

position-x [nodehistoryblock]

current position (x-component, global system)

position-y [nodehistoryblock]

current position (y-component, global system)

position-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

current position (z-component, global system)

velocity-x [nodehistoryblock]

translational velocity (x-component, global or node-local system)

velocity-y [nodehistoryblock]

translational velocity (y-component, global or node-local system)

velocity-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

translational velocity (z-component, global or node-local system)

velocity-rotational (2D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational velocity (x-component, global or node-local system

velocity-rotational-x (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational velocity (x-component, global or node-local system)

velocity-rotational-y (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational velocity (y-component, global or node-local system)

velocity-rotational-z (3D ONLY) [nodehistoryblock]

rotational velocity (z-component, global or node-local system)

Keyword Block

The initialization values specified with the structure node initialize command may be optionally modified with the keywords below. They apply (except where noted with regard to the local keyword), to all of the major keywords of the command: acceleration-rotational-x, acceleration-rotational-y, acceleration-rotational-z, acceleration-x, acceleration-y, acceleration-z, displacement-rotational, displacement-rotational-x, displacement-rotational-y, displacement-rotational-z, displacement-x, displacement-y, displacement-z, force-x, force-y, force-z, moment, moment-x, moment-y, moment-z, position-x, position-y, position-z, velocity-rotational, velocity-rotational-x, velocity-rotational-y, velocity-rotational-z, velocity-x, velocity-y and velocity-z.

component-id i

the particular node is identified by the component ID number. If this keyword is used, position should not be used.


specifies that the value will be taken in the node-local coordinate system. By default, the value will be taken in the global coordinate system.

position v

the particular node is identified by (v) coordinates (the nearest node is taken). If this keyword is used, component-id should not be used.