Shell Structural Elements (3D Only)
Note that shell structural elements are based on the Shell-Type Structural Elements and share the underlying formulation and implementation.
Mechanical Behavior
The mechanical behavior of each shell structural element can be divided into the structural response of the shell material itself (see Shell-Type Mechanical Behavior), and the way in which the shell element interacts with the grid. Shell elements may be rigidly connected to the grid such that stresses develop within the shell as the grid deforms; however, more generalized grid connections are available with geogrid and liner elements.
Response Quantities
Shell element responses include stress resultants and stresses acting in the shell (see Shell-Type Response Quantities).
Each shell element possesses four properties (see Shell-Type Properties).
Simple examples are given to illustrate the use of shells. This list is incomplete; a complete list of examples that use shell elements is available in Structural Shell Examples.
- Elastic Beam with Applied Moment (with shell elements)
- Elastic Beam with Concentrated Loads (with shell elements)
- Elastic Cantilever with Tip Load
- Elastic Plate (Infinite Strip) with Uniform Lateral Load
- Elastic Plate (Orthotropic) with Uniform Lateral Load
- Elastic Plate with Combined Uniform Lateral and In-Plane Loads
- Elastic Shell (Cylindrical Concrete Vault)
- Elastic-Plastic Plate (Collapse Load) with Uniform Lateral Load
- Plastic Hinge Formation (with shell elements)
- Lined Tunnel (with shell elements)
Commands & FISH
⇐ Shell-Type Structural Elements (3D Only) | Elastic Beam with Applied Moment (with shell elements) ⇒
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