FLAC3D Theory and Background • Constitutive Models
Undrained Triaxial Test with CYSoil Model
To view this project in FLAC3D, use the menu command . The project’s main data file is shown at the end of this example.
Tests similar to those in the drained triaxial test with dilation hardening are repeated, but this time under undrained conditions. The model setup and properties are the same as those used in the previous examples. In addition, the groundwater flow configuration is selected, with flow turned off. Porosity is 0.3, and the fluid bulk modulus is 2000 kPa for the runs.
The undrained simulation results for deviatoric stress and volumetric strain versus axial strain are plotted in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively. A softening stress-strain response is observed for the loose soil in Figure 1. Also, while the excess pore pressure rises initially for all soils (as indicated in Figure 2), for the medium and dense soils, it is shown to decrease upon further shearing as a result of dilation taking place.
Data File
; Undrained Triaxial Tests - Dilation Hardening
model large-strain off
model title "Undrained triaxial test - cap-yield-soil"
zone create brick size 1 1 1
zone face skin
zone cmodel assign cap-yield
zone initialize stress xx -100. yy -100. zz -100.
zone face apply stress-normal -100. range group 'East' or 'West'
zone face apply stress-normal -100. range group 'North' or 'South'
zone face apply velocity-z 0. range group 'Bottom'
zone face apply velocity-z -1e-6 range group 'Top'
zone property density 1000 pressure-reference=100. exponent=1.0 ...
beta=0.35 poisson 0.2
zone property flag-dilation=0 friction-mobilized=0
zone property shear-reference=[_Gref] friction=[_friu] ...
cohesion=[_coh] dilation=[_dilu]
zone property flag-cap=0 pressure-initial=100.
model configure fluid-flow
zone fluid property pore-pressure-generation on
zone fluid property effective-cutoff -1e20
zone fluid property porosity 0.3 fluid-modulus 2e3
[global _z = zone.head]
fish define _cy_q
global _cy_q = zone.prop(_z, 'stress-deviatoric')
global _pp = zone.pp(_z)
zone history displacement-z position (1,1,1)
fish history _cy_q
fish history _pp
history interval 50
model solve-static cycles 50000
history export '2' vs '1' reverse table 'deviatoricStress'
history export '3' vs '1' reverse table 'porePressure'
table 'deviatoricStress' ...
export [string.build('deviatoricStress%1', _IChoice)] truncate
table 'porePressure' ...
export [string.build('porePressure%1', _iChoice)] truncate
⇐ Drained Triaxial Test with CYSoil Model — Dilation Hardening | Drained Triaxial Compression Test with Simplified Cap-Yield (CHSoil) Model ⇒
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