rblock replicate
- rblock replicate s keyword ...
Primary keywords:
angle axis density diameter fish-size group id original-position position position-x position-y position-z size
Replicate a rigid block from the template with name s. If no size measure is given, then the rigid block template volume is retained. If the density keyword is not given, then the rigid block template density is retained.
A model domain must be specified prior to rigid block replication.
The replicated rigid block must fall entirely within the model domain.
While cycling, rigid blocks can only be created before cycle point 0 (i.e., when the timestep is calculated).
- angle fang
Angle about which to rotate the rigid block in degrees via the right-hand rule. If no angle is specified, then no rotation will occur. In 2D, rotation occurs about the out-of-plane direction in a counter-clockwise sense.
- axis vaxis (3D ONLY)
Axis about which to rotate the rigid block. If no axis is specified, then no rotation occurs.
- density fden
Density of the rigid block.
- diameter fdiam
Volume is set to be the equivalent to the volume of a {disk of unit thickness in 2D; sphere in 3D} with diameter fdiam.
- fish-size sfname fval
Use the FISH function with name sfname to scale the “size” of the rigid block template to fval. The FISH function must take a single argument that is a rigid block pointer and return a floating point value corresponding to a linear measure of the rigid block size.
- group s <slot slot >
The group slot slot is set to s for the newly created rigid block. If slot is not specified, then s is assigned to the group slot Default.
- id id
Rigid block ID that is the next available ID by default.
- original-position
Specify that the rigid block centroid will be set to the original position of the rigid block template when it was created.
- position vpos
Rigid block position that is the origin by default. This keyword cannot be given with the original-position keyword.
- position-x fposx
The x-component of the rigid block position that is 0 by default. This keyword cannot be given with the original-position keywords.
- position-y fposy
The y-component of the rigid block position that is 0 by default. This keyword cannot be given with the original-position keywords.
- position-z fposz (3D ONLY)
The z-component of the rigid block position that is 0 by default. This keyword cannot be given with the original-position keywords.
Usage Example
Replicate a rigid block from the template named rblock
, with volume (diameter
), location (pos
), and orientation (angle
) as indicated.
rblock replicate 'rblock' diameter 2.5 pos -9 0 angle 45
Replicate a rigid block at the original position of the template named rblock1
, with volume and orientation as indicated.
rblock replicate 'rblock1' diameter 1 original-position angle 45
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