massflow drawpoint import-drawperiod command


massflow drawpoint import-drawperiod s

Import a drawbell extraction schedule. The schedule is contained in the tab-delimited ACII text file s.

MassFlow drawbell schedule format specification

The first column contains the names of the Draw Points previously defined in massflow drawpoint import. Starting from the second column, each column contains the number of days per period in line 1, and from line 2 onwards the tonnage to be extracted for each Draw Point

The file s must be formatted and organized as follows:

Line 1 - The first column must contain a header, usually DPName. Starting from the second column, this will contain a i value representing the number of days per period.

Line 2 onwards - The first column contains the names of the Draw Points. From the second column it contains the tonnage to be extracted for each period.

The code block below shows a portion of a MassFlow drawpoint schedule file with 8 7-day periods, drawing 2000 tonnes each period:

DPName       7       7       7       7       7       7       7       7
DP1  2000    2000    2000    2000    2000    2000    2000    2000
DP2  2000    2000    2000    2000    2000    2000    2000    2000