massflow mineblock import command


massflow mineblock import s

Import a mineblock description. The description is contained in the file s.

MassFlow mineblock format specification

A MassFlow ASCII-format, tab-delimited mineblock file has with the following specifications:

Line 1 - Comment. This line is ignored

Line 2 - These are the table headers. The first 20 columns are mandatory and must go in the following order:

Easting, Northing, Elevation, CavePeriod, CavePeriodDyn, BlockID, SolidsDens, InSituPor, MaxPor, FricAngle, MeanDia, MeanDiaDyn, PriFragA, PriFragB, TenStrA, TenStrB, UCS, PercK1, PercK2, PercVMR.

See Block Model for the meaning of these parameters. The exact text string used to describe each column is not important.

From column 21, extra columns with information about mine block ore grades can be added. There is no limit to the number of extra columns that can be added. Information in these columns is available as labels in the mineblock plot item and through the FISH functions and massflow.mineblock.ore.value.

Line 3 - This line is ignored

Line 4 onwards - Actual values for each of the column defined in Line 2

The code block below shows a portion of a MassFlow drawbell file. This example has 3 extra columns after the first 20 mandatory columns, for a total of 23 columns.

"Delimiter: r;"
Easting      Northing        Elevation       CavePeriod      CavePerioDyn    BlockID SolidsDen       InSituPor       MaxPor  FricAng MeanDia MeanDiaDyn      PriFragA        PriFragB        TenStrA TenStrB UCS     PercK1  PercK2  PercVMR KIMB3DG KIMB3F  KIMB3B

1225 -1658   205     1       1       1       2.6     0       0.2     42      0.2     0.2     0.86    0.45    2.5     5       60000   11      4.5     0.5     0       0       0
1235 -1658   205     1       1       2       2.6     0       0.2     42      0.2     0.2     0.86    0.45    2.6     6       60000   11      4.5     0.5     0       0       0
1245 -1658   205     1       1       3       2.6     0       0.2     42      0.2     0.2     0.86    0.45    2.7     7       60000   11      4.5     0.5     0       0       0