block contact history
- block contact history <name s > location-keyword variable-keyword <keyword ...>
Primary keywords:
contact-id dip dip-direction position subcontact-id area area-sum displacement-normal displacement-shear displacement-shear-x displacement-shear-y displacement-shear-z displacement-shear-maximum force-normal force-normal-sum force-shear force-shear-sum stress-normal stress-shear stress-shear-x stress-shear-y stress-shear-z velocity-shear velocity-shear-x velocity-shear-y velocity-shear-z
Adds a history of a contact value. Review the common c history commands. The history can be assigned a name for later reference with the optional name keyword. If not, the history will be given a default name based on its internally assigned id number.
This command requires that one location-keyword and one variable-keyword are provided. These are shown in groups below.
Histories cannot be assigned for joined contacts. Both blocks involved in the contact must be currently visible.
Keyword Options For location-keyword
- contact-id i
Set history location at the contact with ID i. This only applies to contact type histories area−sum, force−normal−sum and force−shear−sum.
- dip f
Only contacts or subcontacts with a dip equal to f will be considered when using the position keyword.
- dip-direction f
Only contacts or subcontacts with a dip-direction equal to f will be considered when using the position keyword.
- position v
Set history location at the position v. The history will be recorded for the contact or subcontact nearest to this location.
Keyword Options For variable-keyword
- area
Get the area of the subcontact.
- area-sum
Get the sum of all subcontact areaa for a given contact.
- displacement-normal
Get the normal contact displacement.
- displacement-shear
Get the magnitude of shear displacement.
- displacement-shear-x
Get the x-component of shear displacement in global coordinates.
- displacement-shear-y
Get the y-component of shear displacement in global coordinates.
- displacement-shear-z
Get the z-component of shear displacement in global coordinates.
- displacement-shear-maximum
Get the maximum shear displacement observed at any time in the past.
- force-normal
Get the normal subcontact force.
- force-normal-sum
Get the sum of all subcontact normal forces for a given contact.
- force-shear
Get the shear contact force.
- force-shear-sum
Get the sum of all subcontact shear forces for a given contact.
- stress-normal
Get the normal contact stress.
- stress-shear
Get the shear contact stress.
- stress-shear-x
Get the x-component of shear stress in global coordinates.
- stress-shear-y
Get the y-component of shear stress in global coordinates.
- stress-shear-z
Get the z-component of shear stress in global coordinates.
- velocity-shear
Get the shear contact velocity magnitude.
- velocity-shear-x
Get the x-component of shear velocity in global coordinates.
- velocity-shear-y
Get the y-component of shear velocity in global coordinates.
- velocity-shear-z
Get the z-component of shear velocity in global coordinates.
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