block contact list
- block contact list keyword ... <range>
Primary keywords:
common-plane continuously-yielding displacement-normal displacement-shear distances extra face face-face group orientation joint-set no-lf null no-null pore-pressure position state stress subcontacts summary total type property-value vertex weights
List information about block contact(s).
- common-plane
List common-plane data (unit normal vector and reference point) and type (see the Contact Types table in the Theory and Background section.
- continuously-yielding
List additional parameter used for continuously yielding model.
- displacement-normal
List subcontact normal displacements.
- displacement-shear
List subcontact shear displacements.
- distances
For vertex-face or edge-edge contacts print the distance of the vertex to the common plane.
- extra
List contact extra variable information.
- face
List block face information for sub-contacts
- face-face
List data only for face-to-face contacts – must precede other keywords.
- group
List contact group information.
- orientation
List contact dip and dip direction.
- joint-set
List joint-set ID information for contacts.
- no-lf
List should exclude leader-follower contacts in joined blocks.
- null
List should exclude data for “non-null” contacts.
- no-null
List should exclude data for “null” contacts.
- pore-pressure
List fluid pressure at contacts.
- position
List contact contact positions.
- state
List state of contacts: area, fs/fn, shear displacement, slip indicator. Slip indicator depends on material model. Need link here to joint constitutive model manual.
- stress
List sub-contact shear and normal stress data.
- subcontacts
List data for contacts in two tables – intended for transferring contact data to a file for use in post-processing. Output is only sent to the log file, which must be turned on by the user.
- summary
List a summary of sub-contacts in the model; gives totals by material type, open and slipping contacts; and gives slip area and maximum displacements.
- total
Print total forces, displacements and area for contacts.
- type
List information according to contact type.
- property-value s
List the value of the input property s.
- vertex
List displacement data for vertices associated with subcontacts.
- weights
Print weights for vertex-face and edge-edge contacts.
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