block zone size command


block zone size keyword <range>

Primary keywords:

center    clear    edgelength    isolated-point    list

Set zoning conditions for deformable blocks prior to using the block zone generate-new command.

center v keyword ...

Generate a radially graded mesh from point v. If center is inside a block, a uniform mesh with edge length of edgelength-center f will be generated.

edgelength-1 f

Set the edge length at a distance Distance-1 from the center point to f.

distance-1 f

Set a distance f from the center point at which edgelength-1 will be used.

edgelength-2 f

Set the edge length at a distance Distance-2 from the center point to f.

distance-2 f

Set a distance f from the center point at which edgelength-2 will be used.


Clears all sizes specified with all blockzonesize commands.

edgelength f <keyword>

The parameter f defines the average edge length of tetrahedral zones. By default, the size is set for blocks in the range. Use the by keyword with a specified range to apply the size to gridpoints (range by block-gridpoint) or to faces (range by block-bface).

isolated-point v

Specify the zone size near an isolated point v inside a block. If the coordinates of an existing gridpoint are given, the command will still work, but the isolated point will not be listed with the list keyword.

edgelength f

The parameter f defines the average edge length of tetrahedral zones near Isolated-Point.


Prints to the console the coordinates and edge lengths of all isolated points.

Usage Example

See Generating Zones for examples of using this command.