block import
- block import filename s <binary>
Import an assembly of blocks from a file. The file named s is imported. A path can be part of the file name. If no extension is specified, .3dgrid is assumed.
The optional keyword
can be given to indicate a binary input file. By default, an ASCII file format is assumed.The imported blocks may either be rigid or deformable (zoned). Rigid blocks are defined by faces and deformable blocks are defined by zones.
3DEC grid format specification
A 3DEC ASCII-format grid file is with the following specifications: comment lines start with an asterisk; blank lines are ignored; and comma separators between numeric values are optional.
A line starting with “G” indicates a gridpoint definition. A gridpoint contains an integer identifier (ID number) followed by the x, y, z coordinates of the gridpoint (floating point numbers).
A line starting with “F” indicates a face definition. A face contains an integer identifier (ID number) followed by three or more gridpoint IDs (integers). Faces only need to be defined for rigid blocks.
A line starting with “Z” indicates a zone definition. A zone contains a zone identifier (ID number), and the identifiers of the 4 gridpoints comprising this zone (only tetrahedral zones are supported). Zones only need to be defined for deformable blocks.
A line starting with “B” indicates a block definition. A block contains a block identifier (ID number), an integer zone identifier and then either a list of face IDs preceded by F
or a list of zone identifiers preceded by Z
The ID numbers for the gridpoints and zones must be positive integers. The ID numbers do not have to be sequential or consecutive (gaps are allowed in the numbering); however, every gridpoint ID referred to by a zone or face must exist in the gridpoint list somewhere.
A line starting with “JS” indicated a joint set. The joint set ID is followed by pairs of blocks connected by a -
. This section is optional. If joint set IDs are not specified, they will be assigned automatically by 3DEC.
A line starting with “BGROUP” indicates a group definition for blocks. The text immediately following the word BGROUP is the name of the group. Following the group name, all blocks belonging to this group are specified with block ID numbers.
A line starting with “ZGROUP” indicates a group definition for zones. The text immediately following the word ZGROUP is the name of the group. Following the group name, all zones belonging to this group are specified with zone ID numbers.
A line starting with “FGROUP” indicates a group of faces. Face groups are used in the range logic, allowing the user to apply properties, boundary conditions, velocities, etc. to a set of faces. The face group line contains the face group name. Lines containing the identifiers of the previously defined faces will follow the FGROUP line. The face identifiers are separated by spaces. This will assign the group name to all faces in the line when the grid is created.
A line starting with “JGROUP” indicated a joint group. The text immediately following the word JSGROUP is the name of the group and the pairs of blocks connected by a -
The code block below shows a portion of a 3DEC grid file for a grid of unzoned blocks:
* 3DEC input deck
* Tue Aug 27 15:53:10 2019
G 1 1.00000000000000e+01 1.00000000000000e+01 9.00000000000000e+00
G 2 1.00000000000000e+01 9.31698729810778e+00 9.31698729810778e+00
G 3 9.31698729810778e+00 1.00000000000000e+01 9.31698729810778e+00
G 4 9.13827554053370e+00 9.07227901251350e+00 9.15034727589680e+00
G 5 2.50922495996004e+00 1.00000000000000e+01 -5.65035223748848e+00
G 6 2.00307498665335e+00 9.17327789708150e+00 -5.95204120114285e+00
G 7 2.99898747821517e+00 1.00000000000000e+01 -6.52745568734179e+00
G 8 3.01817635498884e+00 9.03371800182672e+00 -6.00446406147404e+00
G 118006 1.10077546806048e+00 5.20556878260968e+00 3.49921658729288e+00
G 118007 1.76465738049590e+00 5.75610310237878e+00 4.01823804741272e+00
G 118008 6.24589683147107e-01 5.26023136574250e+00 4.25565391732269e+00
F 1 1 2 3
F 2 4 3 2
F 3 1 4 2
F 4 3 4 1
F 5 5 6 7
F 118006 118008 118007 118006
F 118007 118005 118008 118006
F 118008 118005 118007 118008
B 1 F 1 2 3 4
B 2 F 5 6 7 8
B 3 F 9 10 11 12
B 4 F 13 14 15 16
B 29500 F 117997 117998 117999 118000
B 29501 F 118001 118002 118003 118004
B 29502 F 118005 118006 118007 118008
JS 2 23-34 18-39 1-43 13-52
JS 5 57-60 11-61 24-64
JS 946408 29500-29502
JS 946409 29501-29502
BGROUP "rock" SLOT "Default"
16267 16266 16277 16276 16279 16278 16273 16272 16275 16274 16285 16284 16287 16286 16281 16280 16283 16282 16293 16292
16295 16294 16289 16288 16291 16290 16301 16300 16303 16302 16297 16296 16299 16298 16309 16308 16311 16310 16305 16304
16307 16306 16317 16316 16319 16318 16313 16312 16315 16314 15429 15428 15431 15430 15425 15424 15427 15426 15437 15436
BGROUP "ore zone" SLOT "Default"
15439 15438 15433 15432 15435 15434 15445 15444 15447 15446 15441 15440 15443 15442 15453 15452 15455 15454 15449 15448
15451 15450 15461 15460 15463 15462 15457 15456 15459 15458 15469 15468 15471 15470 15465 15464 15467 15466 15477 15476
15479 15478 15473 15472 15475 15474 15485 15484 15487 15486 15481 15480 15483 15482 15365 15364 15367 15366 15361 15360
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