flowknot apply
- flowknot apply keyword <range>
Primary keywords:
discharge pore-pressure proppant-volume proppant-mass temperature flux
Set flow knot conditions at boundaries.
- discharge f <[flowknotapplyblock]>
Specify volumetric flow rate at flow knots within a specified range. The specified flow rate is cumulative, so the flow rate specified is added to the existing flow rate boundary condition. An optional proppant concentration may be specified for the injected fluid using the proppant keyword.
- pore-pressure f <gradient f > <[flowknotapplyblock]>
Set boundary pore pressure. Set boundary pore-pressure gradient with the optional keyword gradient (assumes that up is positive z-axis).
- proppant-volume f <[flowknotapplyblock]>
Set the volumetric concentration of proppant in the injected fluid on the knots in the specified range. Fluid discharge boundary condition must exist for proppant to be injected.
- proppant-mass f <[flowknotapplyblock]>
Set the mass concentration of proppant in the injected fluid on the knots in the specified range. Fluid discharge boundary condition must exist for proppant to be injected.
- temperature f <[flowknotapplyblock]>
Set fixed fluid-boundary temperature at flow knots in the range.
- flux f <[flowknotapplyblock]>
Set heat-flux boundary conditions for convection on flow pipes in the range.
flowknot apply
Keyword Block
The keywords below are applicable to each of the following keywords of the flowknot apply
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