3DEC 5.2 to 9 FISH Mapping
This document lists 3DEC 5.2 FISH functions and provides links to their 3DEC 9 counterparts. They are organized into 3DEC-specific functions and general FISH functions, and subdivided from there into groups according to the kind of operations they perform.
See the Notes section at the end of the page for various details of usage.
3DEC-Intrinsic Functions |
FISH Intrinsic Functions |
There will not necessarily be a direct mapping of old to new function arguments nor of return types. 3DEC 9 takes advantage on occasion of the new types available in FISH (tensors, matrices, etc.) to streamline FISH intrinsics.
3DEC Intrinsic Functions
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
atol |
btol |
beam_contact_head |
No equivalent. Use piles for beams with contacts |
beam_elem_head |
No equivalent. Use |
beam_node_head |
No equivalent. Use |
block_head |
bou_head |
No equivalent. Use gridpoint functions for boundary conditions. |
bou_his_head |
No equivalent. Use gridpoint functions for boundary conditions. |
cable_elem_head |
No equivalent. Use |
cable_head |
No longer supported |
cf_creep |
No longer supported |
cf_dynamic |
No longer supported |
cf_feblock |
No longer supported |
cf_liner |
No longer supported |
cf_rhs |
cf_thermal |
contact_head |
ctol |
crdt |
crtime |
cycle |
dowel_head |
No equivalent. Use |
damp_alpha |
damp_auto |
damp_beta |
damp_local |
dim |
dtol |
etol |
flow_head |
flowrate |
flowvel |
flowvol_unbav |
flowvol_unbmax |
fluid_density |
fltime |
fluid_ratio |
fmem |
fos |
fracb |
No equivalent. Use |
fracz |
No equivalent. Use |
ftdel |
ftime |
fzoneloc |
gp_near |
grav |
grav_x |
grav_y |
grav_z |
imem |
index |
index_type |
knot_head |
knot_near |
large |
liner_contact_head |
No equivalent. |
liner_element_head |
No equivalent. |
liner_head |
No equivalent. Use |
liner_node_head |
No equivalent. Use |
liner_prop_head |
No equivalent. |
mech_ratio |
mtime |
munbc |
nblock |
ngp |
nzone |
processors |
pr_grainf |
prdt |
Proppant time no longer supported |
prtime |
Proppant time no longer supported |
r_head |
r_prop_head |
step |
tdel |
tdelf |
th_iter |
No longer available |
th_max_iter |
No longer available |
thdt |
thtime |
time |
unbal |
unbal_ratio |
vl_gp |
No equivalent. Get gridpoints directly from face |
vl_next |
No equivalent. Get gridpoints directly from face |
water_table_head |
No equivalent |
xgrav |
ygrav |
zgrav |
xmem |
z_near |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
b_area |
b_cent |
b_cons |
No equivalent. Assign model directly using |
b_dsf |
b_extra |
b_face |
b_face2 |
b_feb_element |
b_feb_face |
b_fix |
b_force |
b_gp |
b_group |
b_id |
b_inside |
b_ispare |
b_load |
b_mass |
b_mat |
No equivalent. |
b_moi |
b_moitens |
b_mom |
b_ms |
b_msnext |
b_near |
b_next |
b_region |
b_rspare |
b_rvel |
b_rxvel |
b_ryvel |
b_rzvel |
b_type |
b_vel |
b_vertex |
b_vol |
b_wall |
b_x |
b_xforce |
b_xload |
b_xmoi |
b_xmom |
b_xvel |
b_y |
b_yforce |
b_yload |
b_ymoi |
b_ymom |
b_yvel |
b_z |
b_zforce |
b_zload |
b_zmoi |
b_zmom |
b_zone |
b_zvel |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
z_block |
z_cen |
z_extra |
z_fri |
z_frr |
z_fsi |
z_fsr |
z_geo_metric |
z_gp |
z_group |
z_ispare |
z_mass |
z_mat |
No equivalent. Assign properties directly using |
z_model |
z_next |
z_near |
z_poros |
z_perm |
z_pp |
z_prin |
z_prop |
z_pstress |
z_rspare |
z_sig |
z_sig1 |
z_sig2 |
z_sig3 |
z_sonplane |
z_ssi |
z_ssr |
z_state |
z_sxx |
z_sxy |
z_sxz |
z_syy |
z_syz |
z_szz |
z_total_strain |
z_volume |
z_vsi |
z_vsr |
z_x |
z_y |
z_z |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
gp_accel |
gp_bou |
No longer supported. Get/set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
gp_block |
gp_dis |
gp_dsf |
gp_extra |
gp_force |
gp_group |
gp_id |
gp_ispare |
gp_mass |
gp_near |
gp_next |
gp_pos |
gp_pp |
gp_rspare |
gp_temp |
gp_vel |
gp_xdis |
gp_xforce |
gp_x |
gp_xreaction |
gp_xvel |
gp_ydis |
gp_yforce |
gp_y |
gp_yreaction |
gp_yvel |
gp_zdis |
gp_zforce |
gp_z |
gp_zreaction |
gp_zvel |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
zfd_dataindex |
zfd_dataname |
zfd_effective |
Effective stress is a separate data type now. |
zfd_extra |
zfd_getdata |
zfd_initialize |
zfd_methodindex |
zfd_methodname |
zfd_power |
zfd_property |
zfd_radratio |
zfd_reset |
zfd_tolerance |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
c_area |
c_b1 |
c_b2 |
c_cons |
c_cx |
c_extra |
c_fid |
c_flowplane |
c_group |
c_id |
c_ispare |
c_link1 |
No equivalent. Use |
c_link2 |
No equivalent. Use |
c_mat |
No equivalent. Assign properties directly using |
c_n |
c_ndis |
c_near |
c_next |
c_nforce |
No equivalent. Use |
c_nx |
c_ny |
c_nz |
c_pos |
c_rspare |
c_type |
c_x |
c_y |
c_z |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
cx_area |
cx_cons |
No direct equivalent. Use |
cx_contact |
cx_edge1 |
cx_edge2 |
cx_extra |
cx_face |
cx_fid |
cx_group |
cx_ispare |
cx_mat |
No direct equivalent. Use |
cx_model |
cx_ndis |
cx_next |
cx_nforce |
cx_pos |
cx_pp |
cx_ppforce |
cx_prop |
cx_rspare |
cx_sdis |
cx_sforce |
cx_state |
cx_type |
cx_vertex |
cx_x |
cx_xsdis |
cx_xsforce |
cx_y |
cx_ysdis |
cx_ysforce |
cx_z |
cx_zsdis |
cx_zsforce |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
face_next |
face_block |
face_vlist |
face_nx |
face_ny |
face_nz |
face_n |
face_id |
face_sreg |
face_flow |
face_extra |
face_zone |
face_ngp |
face_gp |
face_area |
face_ispare |
face_rspare |
face_fid |
face_isplanar |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
m_bcohesion |
No direct equivalent. |
m_bdilation |
No direct equivalent. |
m_bfriction |
No direct equivalent. |
m_btension |
No direct equivalent. |
m_bulk |
No direct equivalent. |
m_cohesion |
No direct equivalent. |
m_density |
No direct equivalent. |
m_dilation |
No direct equivalent. |
m_friction |
No direct equivalent. |
m_jcohesion |
No direct equivalent. |
m_jdilation |
No direct equivalent. |
m_jfriction |
No direct equivalent. |
m_jkn |
No direct equivalent. |
m_jks |
No direct equivalent. |
m_jtension |
No direct equivalent. |
m_phi |
No direct equivalent. |
m_psi |
No direct equivalent. |
m_shear |
No direct equivalent. |
m_tension |
No direct equivalent. |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
bou_gp |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_xforce |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_yforce |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_zforce |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_force |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_new |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_next |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_xtype |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_ytype |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_ztype |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_xfinc |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_yfinc |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_zfinc |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_finc |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_xhadd |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_yhadd |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_zhadd |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_xvel |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_yvel |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_zvel |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
bou_vel |
No direct equivalent. Set boundary conditions directly on gridpoints |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
cable_next |
No equivalent. Use |
cable_x |
cable_y |
cable_z |
cable_pos |
cable_node_head |
No equivalent. Use |
cable_node1 |
cable_node2 |
cable_prop_head |
no equivalent |
cable_length |
cable_force |
cable_matnum |
No equivalent |
cable_xdir |
No equivalent for cables. For hybrid bolts use |
cable_ydir |
No equivalent for cables. For hybrid bolts use:func:struct.hybrid.orientation..y |
cable_zdir |
No equivalent for cables. For hybrid bolts use:func:struct.hybrid.orientation..z |
cable_dir |
No equivalent for cables. For hybrid bolts use:func:struct.hybrid.orientation. |
cable_thforce |
No equivalent |
cable_spare |
cable_state |
cable_dowel |
cable_dowel_x |
cable_dowel_y |
cable_dowel_z |
cable_dowel_pos |
cable_dowel_len |
cable_dowel_state |
cable_dowel_normx |
cable_dowel_normy |
cable_dowel_normz |
cable_dowel_norm |
cable_dowel_sforcex |
No equivalent. Use |
cable_dowel_sforcey |
No equivalent. Use |
cable_dowel_sforcez |
No equivalent. Use |
cable_dowel_sforce |
cable_dowel_sdispx |
No equivalent |
cable_dowel_sdispy |
No equivalent |
cable_dowel_sdispz |
No equivalent |
cable_dowel_sdisp |
No equivalent |
cable_dowel_strain |
cable_matind |
No equivalent |
cable_dowel_sfactor |
No equivqlent |
cable_dowel_host |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
cnode_apforce |
cnode_att |
No equivalent. Use links. |
cnode_bond |
cnode_dir |
No analogy. Use element direction |
cnode_dis |
cnode_efflen |
No analogy. Use element length |
cnode_fix |
cnode_force |
cnode_mass |
cnode_matind |
No equivalent |
cnode_matnum |
No equivalent |
cnode_next |
No equivalent |
cnode_pos |
cnode_sforce |
cnode_spare |
cnode_vel |
cnode_x |
cnode_xapforce |
cnode_xdir |
cnode_xdis |
cnode_xforce |
cnode_xvel |
cnode_y |
cnode_yapforce |
cnode_ydir |
cnode_ydis |
cnode_yforce |
cnode_yvel |
cnode_z |
cnode_zapforce |
cnode_zdir |
cnode_zdis |
cnode_zforce |
cnode_zvel |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
cprop_next |
No equivalent |
cprop_emod |
cprop_area |
cprop_kbond |
cprop_sbond |
cprop_yieldtens |
cprop_num |
No equivalent |
cprop_thexp |
cprop_yieldcomp |
cprop_dens |
cprop_fbond |
cprop_strainlimit |
cprop_dowel_stiff |
cprop_dowel_yield |
cprop_dowel_strainlimit |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
le_area |
le_face |
? |
le_fibermax |
le_fibermin |
le_id |
le_membranemax |
le_membranemin |
le_moment |
le_momentmax |
le_momentmin |
le_next |
le_nodea |
le_nodeb |
le_nodec |
le_normal |
le_prop |
le_spare1 |
le_spare2 |
le_spare3 |
le_stress |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
fk_area |
fk_fixf |
fk_fixprop |
fk_fixt |
fk_htc |
fk_next |
fk_pmassin |
fk_pos |
fk_pp |
fk_propin |
fk_qf |
fk_qt |
fk_qtsum |
fk_stiff |
fk_temp |
fk_timestep |
fk_trans |
fk_unbv |
fk_unbvmax |
fk_unqt |
fk_vol |
fk_x |
fk_y |
fk_z |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
fp_next |
fp_c |
fp_fpx |
fp_area |
fp_x |
fp_y |
fp_z |
fp_cent |
fp_local1 |
fp_local2 |
fp_fzone |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
fpx_aperture |
fpx_apmech |
fpx_area |
fpx_cx1 |
fpx_cx2 |
fpx_knot |
fpx_next |
fpx_pos |
fpx_propconc |
fpx_propmassconc |
fpx_propthick |
fpx_visc |
fpx_weight1 |
fpx_weight2 |
fpx_xlocal |
fpx_ylocal |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
fpz_area |
fpz_cent |
fpz_discharge |
fpz_fpx1 |
fpz_fpx2 |
fpz_fpx3 |
fpz_next |
fpz_vel |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
dfn_add |
dfn_addfracture |
dfn_clonefracture |
dfn_contaxctarray |
dfn_centerdensity |
dfn_delete |
dfn_deletefracture |
dfn_density |
dfn_dominance |
dfn_fractureinbox |
dfn_fracturenear |
dfn_fracturenumber |
dfn_find |
dfn_fracturelist |
dfn_id |
dfn_ilist |
dfn_list |
dfn_maxid |
dfn_name |
dfn_number |
dfn_p10 |
dfn_geomp10 |
dfn_geomp20 |
dfn_geomp21 |
dfn_geomtrace |
dfn_percolation |
dfn_property |
dfn_template |
dfn_typeid |
dfn_typename |
dfnfracture_aperture |
dfnfracture_area |
dfnfracture_contactarray |
dfnfracture_clone |
dfnfracture_dfn |
dfnfracture_dip |
dfnfracture_dipdir |
dfnfracture_disk |
dfnfracture_extra |
dfnfracture_find |
dfnfracture_gintersect |
dfnfracture_group |
dfnfracture_iarray |
dfnfracture_id |
dfnfracture_intersect |
dfnfracture_interarray |
dfnfracture_isdisk |
dfnfracture_isgroup |
dfnfracture_isproperty |
dfnfracture_list |
dfnfracture_maxid |
dfnfracture_near |
dfnfracture_normal |
dfnfracture_number |
dfnfracture_pointnear |
dfnfracture_position |
dfnfracture_property |
dfnfracture_diameter |
dfnfracture_remove |
dfnfracture_removegroup |
dfnfracture_typeid |
dfnfracture_typename |
dfnfracture_vertexarray |
dfninter_end1 |
dfninter_end2 |
dfninter_length |
dfninter_find |
dfninter_list |
dfninter_maxid |
dfninter_npolylinept |
dfninter_polylinept |
dfninter_position1 |
dfninter_position2 |
dfninter_set |
dfninter_typeid |
dfninter_typename |
dfnsetinter_delete |
dfnsetinter_find |
dfnsetinter_list |
dfnsetinter_maxid |
dfnsetinter_number |
dfnsetinter_typeid |
dfnsetinter_typename |
dfnsetinter_id |
dfnsetinter_interlist |
dfnsetinter_internumber |
dfnsetinter_name |
dfnsetinter_path |
dfntemplate_dipdirmax |
dfntemplate_dipdirmin |
dfntemplate_dipmax |
dfntemplate_dipmin |
dfntemplate_find |
dfntemplate_get |
dfntemplate_id |
dfntemplate_list |
dfntemplate_name |
dfntemplate_number |
dfntemplate_maxid |
dfntemplate_norientparam |
dfntemplate_orientparam |
dfntemplate_orienttype |
dfntemplate_positionmax |
No longer a function |
dfntemplate_positionmin |
No longer a function |
dfntemplate_npositionparam |
dfntemplate_positionparam |
dfntemplate_postiontype |
dfntemplate_sizemax |
dfntemplate_sizemin |
dfntemplate_nsizeparam |
dfntemplate_sizeparam |
dfntemplate_sizetype |
dfntemplate_typeid |
dfntemplate_typename |
dfnvertex_find |
dfnvertex_id |
dfnvertex_position |
dfnvertex_typeid |
dfnvertex_typename |
dfnvertex_list |
dfnvertex_maxid |
dfnvertex_number |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
ge_cen |
ge_create |
ge_dir |
ge_extra |
ge_find |
ge_group |
ge_groupex |
No longer exists. See |
ge_groupnum |
No longer exists. See |
ge_id |
ge_isgroup |
ge_list |
ge_near |
ge_nextedge |
ge_nextindex |
ge_node |
ge_pos |
ge_remove |
ge_startindex |
ge_startpoly |
gen_ratio |
get_array |
get_mem |
get_socket |
get_table |
gn_create |
gn_extra |
gn_find |
gn_group |
gn_groupex |
gn_groupnum |
gn_id |
gn_isgroup |
gn_list |
gn_near |
gn_pos |
gn_remove |
gn_startedge |
gn_startindex |
gpol_addedge |
gpol_addnode |
gpol_area |
gpol_cen |
gpol_check |
gpol_close |
gpol_create |
gpol_edge |
gpol_extra |
gpol_find |
gpol_group |
gpol_id |
gpol_isgroup |
gpol_list |
gpol_near |
gpol_nextindex |
gpol_nextpoly |
gpol_node |
gpol_normal |
gpol_remove |
gpol_size |
gset_closest |
gset_create |
gset_find |
gset_id |
gset_list |
gset_name |
gset_remove |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
label_arrow |
label_create |
label_delete |
label_end |
label_find |
label_head |
label_next |
label_pos |
label_text |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
mail_addattachment |
mail_addrecipient |
mail_clear |
mail_deleteattachment |
mail_deleterecipient |
mail_send |
mail_setaccount |
mail_setbody |
mail_setdomain |
mail_sethost |
mail_setpassword |
mail_setsubject |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
uds_create |
uds_extra |
uds_find |
uds_group |
uds_head |
uds_id |
uds_isgroup |
uds_list |
uds_near |
uds_next |
uds_pos |
uds_remove |
uds_removegroup |
uds_value |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
udv_create |
udv_dd |
udv_dip |
udv_dir |
No longer supported. See |
udv_extra |
udv_find |
udv_group |
udv_head |
udv_id |
udv_isgroup |
udv_list |
udv_mag |
No longer supported. See |
udv_near |
udv_next |
udv_pos |
udv_remove |
udv_removegroup |
udv_value |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
udt_create |
udt_dir |
No longer supported. See |
udt_extra |
udt_find |
udt_group |
udt_head |
udt_id |
udt_isgroup |
udt_list |
udt_near |
udt_next |
udt_pos |
udt_prin |
No longer supported. See |
udt_remove |
udt_removegroup |
udt_setdir |
No longer supported. See |
udt_value |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
abs |
and |
atan |
atan2 |
beep |
buildstr |
clock |
code_debug |
code_majorversion |
code_minorversion |
code_name |
cos |
ddfromnorm |
degrad |
dim |
dipfromnorm |
dot |
environment |
error |
exp |
fc_arg |
float |
from_principal |
get_array |
grad |
grand |
in |
int |
ln |
log |
lose_array |
mag |
mag2 |
max |
min |
msgbox |
normfromdip |
normfromdipdd |
not |
notify |
null |
or |
os |
Not available |
out |
pi |
pointer_type |
pointer_typeid |
pointer_typename |
principal_stress |
processors |
rel_version |
round |
sgn |
sin |
sleep |
sqrt |
string |
strlen |
substr |
tan |
type |
urand |
vector |
version |
xcomp |
ycomp |
zcomp |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
del_table |
table |
table_name |
table_size |
xtable |
ytable |
vtable |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
get_mem |
lose_mem |
mem |
3DEC |
Fish plotting has been discontinued in 3DEC 9 |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
char |
close |
open |
parse |
preparse |
read |
write |
xmlparse |
Not available |
3DEC 5.2 |
3DEC 9 |
sclose |
sopen |
sread |
swrite |
There has been small upgrade to LIST FISH intrinsics, you can now add a string filter. This will give the list of intrinsics whose name somewhere matches the string given. For example LIST FISH INT “gp” will list now list only those FISH intrinsics containing “gp”.
Was this helpful? ... | Itasca Software © 2024, Itasca | Updated: Feb 14, 2025 |