Hertz Model Properties

The properties of the Hertz Model model are shown below for reference. More detailed information regarding these properties is presented here.


Some properties are read only as stated below.

dp_alpha f

αd - surface gap exponent used for the dashpot force calculation, with default value 0.0.

dp_force v

Fd - dashpot force. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system. This is a read-only property.

dp_mode i

Md - dashpot mode with default value 0.

dp_nratio f

βn- normal critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

dp_sratio f

βs - shear critical damping ratio with default value 0.0.

fric f

μ - friction coefficient with default value 0.0.

hz_alpha f

αh - hertz exponent with default value 1.5

hz_force v

Fh - hertz force with default value 0. Expressed in the contact plane coordinate system.

hz_mode i

Ms - shear-force scaling mode with default value 0.

hz_poiss f

ν - poisson’s ratio with default value 0.0.

hz_shear f

G - shear modulus in units of stress with default value 0.0.

hz_slip b

s - slip state. This is a read-only property.

rgap f

gr - reference gap in units length with default value 0.0.